Hosek Research Team
Hosek Research Team
Hocek Research Team


Michal Hocek, Ph.D., DSc.
Associate professor

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Flemingovo nam. 2
CZ-16610, Prague 6
Czech Republic
phone: +420 220183324
fax: +420 220183559
e-mail: hocek@uochb.cas.cz

Charles University

Michal Hocek, Ph.D., DSc.
Associate professor

Department of Organic and Nuclear Chemistry
Faculty of Science
Charles University in Prague
Hlavova 8
CZ-12843, Prague 2
Czech Republic
phone: +420 221951331
© Michal Hocek
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Design by WeBratři.cz