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Academy of Sciences Library

Acquisitions Department

  • Journals: Jarmila Turková
  • E-mail: turkova@knav.cz
  • Tel.: +420 221 403 381
  • International Exchange: Mgr. Jarmila Kostkanová, CSc.
  • E-mail: exchange@knav.cz
  • Tel.: +420 221 403 242
Updates and supplements the collection of the Academy of Sciences Library by means of purchases, gifts, the publication activity of institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and international exchanges conducted on the basis of agreements with foreign partners. The acquisitions policy of the Library of the Academy of Sciences aims to acquire for the collection all scientific, monograph and periodical publications by members of staff of institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (published in the Czech Republic and abroad), publications from regular publishers and valuable publications from publishers producing scientific and specialist literature. Certain titles of periodicals in the collection of the Academy of Sciences Library (e.g. Nature) date back as far as 1860. The purchase of foreign literature is based principally on literature quoted in publications by members of staff of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, recommendations by members of staff of institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and users of the Library of the Academy of Sciences, and supplementation of the encyclopaedic and biographical part of the collection.

Supplements the Catalogue of Encyclopaedic Information.

Organises exhibitions and promotional events of the Academy of Sciences Library and its regular publishers.