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Publications for 2004
J. - Avner, P. - Baldock, R. - Ballabio, A. - Balling, R. - Barbacid,
M. - Berns, A. - Bradley, A. - Brown, S. - Carmeliet, P. - Chambon, P.
- Cox, R. - Davidson, D. - Davies, K. - Duboule, D. - Forejt, J. -
Granucci, F. - Hastie, N. - de Angelis, M. H. - Jackson, I. - Kioussis,
D. - Kollias, G. - Lathrop, M. - Lendahl, U. - Malumbres, M. - von
Melchner, H. - Muller, W. - Partanen, J. - Ricciardi-Castagnoli, P. -
Rigby, P. - Rosen, B. - Rosenthal, N. - Skarnes, B. - Stewart, A. F. -
Thornton, J. - Tocchini-Valentini, G. - Wagner, E. - Wahli, W. - Wurst,
W. The European dimension for the mouse genome mutagenesis. Nature Genetics, 16, [-] 925-927 (2004). |
V. - Mollova, M. - Stamenova, M. - Ivanova, M. - Pěknicová, J. Identification and isolation of boar sperm specific antigens with potential role in sperm-egg interaction. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 64 [1-2] 91-106 (2004). |
C. - Mlčochová, P. - Šácha, P. - Hilgert, I. - Majer, P. -
Slusher, B. S. - Hořejší,
- Konvalinka, J. Amino acids at the N- and C-termini of human glutamate carboxypeptidase II are required for enzymatic activity and proper folding. European Journal of Biochemistry, 271 [13] 2782-2790 (2004). |
A. - Budziszewska, B. - Jaworska-Feil, L. - Tetich, M. - Kubera, M. - Zajícová, A. -
Holáň, V.
- Lason, W. Effect of lipopolysaccharide and chlorpromazine on glucocorticoid receptor-mediated gene transcription and immunoreactivity: a possible involvement of p38-MAP kinase. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 14 [6] 521-528 (2004). |
R. - Pereira, V. - Katzourakis, A. - Talbot, G. - Pačes, J. - Burt, A. Long-term reinfection of the human genome by endogenous retroviruses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 [14] 4894-4899 (2004). |
V. - Plachý, J.
Pintérová, D. - Kološtová, K. - Boubelík, M. -
Jiang, P. -
Yang, M. - Hoffman, R. M. Development of a green fluorescent protein metastatic-cancer chick-embryo drug-screen model. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, 21 [4] 347-352 (2004). |
H. - Čihák, J. - Schneider, M. A. - Plachý, J. -
Rupp, T.
- Wenzel, I. - Shakaremi, M. - Milz, J. W. - Stangassinger, M. -
Schlöndorf, D. - Mack, M. Dual role of CCR2 during initiation and progression of collagen-induced arthritis: Evidence for regulatory activity of CCR2(+) T cells. Journal of Immunology, 2004 [172] 890-898 (2004). |
Brynda, J. -
Řezáčová, P. - Fábry,
M. - Hořejší, M. - Štouračová, R. -
Sedláček, J. - Souček, M. -
Hradílek, M. - Lepšík, M. - Konvalinka, J. A Phenylnorstatine Inhibitor Binding to HIV-1 Protease: Geometry, Protonation, and Subsite-Pocket Interactions Analyzed at Atomic Resolution. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 47 [8] 2030-2036 (2004). |
Brynda, J. -
Řezáčová, P. - Fábry,
M. - Hořejší, M. - Štouračová, R. -
Souček, M. - Hradílek, M. -
Konvalinka, J. - Sedláček,
J. Inhibitor binding at the protein interface in crystals of a HIV-1 protease complex. Acta Crystallographica Section D, 11, D60, [-] 1943-1948 (2004). |
Bubeník, J. Interleukin-2 Therapy of Cancer. Folia Biologica (Praha), 50 [3-4] 120-130 (2004). |
Bubeník, J. MHC class I down-regulation: Tumour escape from immune surveillance? (Review). International Journal of Oncology, 25 [2] 487-491 (2004). |
Bubeník, J. -
Šímová, J. -
Mikyšková, R. - Vonka, V. Therapy of MHC Class I+ and Class I- HPV 16-Associated Tumours with Cytokines, Genetically Modified Tumour Vaccines and Dendritic Cells. Clinical and Investigative Medicine. Medecine clinique et experimentale, 27 [4] 161D (2004). |
R. B. - Kierzek, A. M. - Arakawa, H. - Bezzubov, Y. - Zaim, J. -
Fiedler, P. - Kutter, S. - Blagodatski, A. - Kostovska, D. - Koter, M.
- Plachý, J.
Carninci, P. - Hayashizaki, Y. - Buerstedde, J.-M. Full-length cDNAs from chicken bursal lymphocytes to facilitate gene function analysis. Genome Biology, 6, [-] R6.1-R6.9 (2004). |
G. J. - Chitta, S. - Hilgert,
I. - Rushe, M. M. - Baggio, R. F. - Palmer, M. - Arenas, J. E. -
Strominger, J. L. - Hořejší,
V. - Santambrogio, L. - Stern, L. J. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the empty conformation of HLA-DR1 reveal aspects of the conformational change associated with peptide binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 [16] 16561-16570 (2004). |
G. A. - Airey, D. C. - Allayee, H. - Angel, J. M. - Attie, A. D. -
Beatty, J. - Beavis, W. D. - Belknap, J. K. - Bennett, B. - Berrettini,
W. - Bleich, A. - Bogue, M. - Broman, K. W. - Buck, K. J. - Buckler, E.
- Burmeister, M. - Chesler, E. J. - Cheverud, J. M. - Clapcote, S. -
Cook, M. N. - Cox, R. D. - Crabbe, J. C. - Crusio, W. E. - Darvasi, A.
- Deschepper, C. F. - Doerge, R. W. - Farber, C. R. - Forejt, J. - Gaile, D. -
Garlow, S. J. - Geiger, H. - Gershenfeld, H. - Gordon, T. - Gu, J. -
Gu, W. - de Haan, G. - Hayes, N. L. - Heller, C. - Himmelbauer, H. -
Hitzemann, R. - Hunter, K. - Hsu, H. C. - Iraqi, F. A. - Ivandic, B. -
Jacob, H. J. - Jansen, R. C. - Jepsen, K. J. - Johnson, D. K. -
Johnson, T. E. - Kempermann, G. - Kendziorski, C. - Kotb, M. - Kooy, R.
F. - Llamas, B. - Lammert, F. - Lassalle, J. M. - Lowenstein, P. R. -
Lu, L. - Lusis, A. - Manly, K. F. - Marcucio, R. - Matthews, D. -
Medrano, J. F. - Miller, D. R. - Mittleman, G. - Mock, B. A. - Mogil,
J. S. - Montagutelli, X. - Morahan, G. - Mott, R. - Nadeau, J. H. -
Nagase, H. - Nowakowski, R. S. - O'Hara, B. F. - Osadchuk, A. V. -
Page, G. P. - Paigen, B. - Paigen, K. - Palmer, A. A. - Pan, H. J. -
Peltonen-Palotie, L. - Peirce, J. - Pomp, D. - Pravenec, M. - Prows, D.
R. - Qi, Z. - Reeves, R. H. - Roder, J. - Rosen, G. D. - Schadt, E. E.
- Schalkwyk, L. C. - Seltzer, Z. - Shimomura, K. - Shou, S. -
Sillanpaa, M. J. - Siracusa, L. D. - Snoeck, H. W. - Spearow, J. L. -
Svenson, K. - Tarantino, L. M. - Threadgill, D. - Toth, L. A. - Valdar,
W. - de Villena, F. P. - Warden, C. - Whatley, S. - Williams, R. W. -
Wiltshire, T. - Yi, N. - Zhang, D. - Zhang, M. - Zou, F. The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nature Genetics, 36, [-] 1133-1137 (2004). |
Čapková, J. -
Geussová, G. -
Pěknicová, J. Acrosomal integrity of mammalian spermatozoa evaluated by monoclonal antibodies to intra-acrosomal proteins and role of these proteins in sperm-egg binding. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 480-481 ( 2004). |
J. - Železná, B.
Velek, J. - Zicha, J. - Kuneš, J. LVV-hemorphin-7 lowers blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats: radiotelemetry study. Physiological Research, 53 [6] 603-607 (2004). |
D. - Hoen, N. - Backman, M. - Machoň,
O. - Krauss, S. Characterisation of the Wnt antagonists and their response to conditionally activated Wnt signalling in the developing mouse forebrain. Developmental Brain Research, 153 [2] 261-270 (2004). |
Divina, P. - Forejt, J. The Mouse SAGE Site: database of public mouse SAGE libraries. Nucleic Acids Research, 32, [-] D482-D483 (2004). |
Dráberová, L. -
Lebduška, P. -
Hálová, I. - Tolar, P. - Štokrová, J. -
Tolarová, H. - Korb, J. -
Dráber, P. Signaling assemblies formed in mast cells activated via Fce receptor I dimers. European Journal of Immunology, 34 [8] 2209-2219 (2004). |
L. - Kirschner, J. - Vlček,
Č. - Pačes, V. TrnL-trnF intergenetic spacer and trnL intron define major clades within Luzula and Juncus (Juncaceae): Importance of structural mutations. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 59, [-] 1-10 (2004). |
K. - Moore, H. D. - Pěknicová,
J. Cytoskeleton as a dynamic structure in the sperm head.A comparison with spermatozoa of different morphological types in vitro. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 481 (2004). |
Ehrlichová, M. - Truksa, J.
Naďová, Z. - Gut, I. - Kovář,
J. Cell death induced by taxanes in sensitive and resistant breast cancer cells. Cell Proliferation, 37 [2] 120-121 (2004). |
Elleder, D. - Melder, D. C.
- Trejbalová, K. -
J. - Federspiel, M. Two different molecular defects in the Tva receptor gene explain the resistance to two tvar lines of chickens to infection by subgroup A avian sarcoma and leukosis viruses. Journal of Virology, 78 [24] 13489-13500 (2004). |
Elleder, D. - Plachý, J. -
J. - Geryk, J. - Svoboda, J. Close linkage of genes encoding receptors for subgroups A and C of avian sarcoma/leucosis virus on chicken chromosome 28. Animal Genetics, 35 [3] 176-181 (2004). |
C. - Liu, L. - Paya-Cano, J. L. - Gregorová, S. - Forejt, J.
- Schalkwyk, L. J. Behavioural characterisation of wild derived male mice (Mus musculus musculus) of the PWD/Ph inbred strain. Behavior Genetics, 34 [6] 621-630 (2004). |
P. - Sovová, V.
Roth, Z. - Šloncová,
- Kocna, P. - Jirásek, A. - Čermák, J. Distribution of molecular markers in sporadic colorectal cancer, adjacent and distant mucosa. Folia Gastroenterologica and Hepatologica, 2 [2] 62-71 (2004). |
R. - Rashev, P. - Pěknicová,
J. - Michailova, A. Temporal and spatial expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in trophoblast and endometrial epithelium during pregnancy of pig. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 52 [Supplement 1] 42-43 (2004). |
Holáň, V. -
Vítová, A. -
Pindjáková, J. - Krulová, M. -
Zajícová, A. - Filipec, M. Corneal stromal cells selectively inhibit production of anti-inflammatory cytokines by activated T cells. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 136, [-] 200-206 (2004). |
Hořejší, V. Transmembrane adaptor proteins in membrane microdomains: important regulators of immunoreceptor signaling. Immunology Letters, 29 [1-2] 43-49 (2004). |
Hořejší, V. -
Zhang, W. -
Schraven, B. Transmembrane adaptor proteins: organizers of immunoreceptor signalling. Nature Reviews Immunology, 4 [8] 603-616 (2004). |
Indrová, M. -
Reiniš, M. -
Bubeník, J. - Jandlová, T. - Bieblová, J. -
Vonka, V. - Velek, J. Immunogenicity of dendritic cell-based HPV16 E6/E7 peptide vaccines: CTL activation and protective effects. Folia Biologica (Praha), 50 [6] 184-193 (2004). |
Jelínková, P.
- Liberda, J.
- Maňásková, P.
Ryšlavá, H. - Jonáková,
- Tichá, M. Mannan-binding proteins from boar seminal plasma. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 62 [1-2] 167-182 (2004). |
Jelínková, P.
- Ryšlavá, H.
- Liberda, J. - Jonáková,
- Tichá, M. Aggregated forms of bull seminal plasma proteins and their heparin-binding activity. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 69, [-] 616-630 (2004). |
V. - Strnad, H. -
Chodora, Z. - Ulbrich, P. - Hickey, W. - Pačes, V. Chlorocatechol catabolic enzymes from Achromobacter xylosoxidans A8. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 54, [-] 175-181 (2004). |
Jonáková, V. -
Jelínková-Slavíčková, P. Serine proteinases and their inhibitors in fertilization. Biomarkers and Environment. Cechtuma 2004, 8 [3,4] 108-110 ( 2004). |
Jonáková, V.
- Tichá, M. Boar seminal plasma proteins and their binding prperties. A review. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 69, [-] 461-475 (2004). |
K. - Rubic, T. - Kuhn, H. - Anthosen, M. W. - Anděra, L. - Gellert, N. -
Trottman, M. - Weber, C. - Johansen, B. - Hrboticky, N. - Neuzil, J. Enzymatically modified low-density lipoprotein upregulates CD36 in low-differentiated monocytic cells in a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-dependent way. Biochemical Pharmacology, 67, [-] 841-854 (2004). |
Koc, M. - Naďová, Z. -
Truksa, J.
- Kovář, J. Iron deprivation induces apoptosis via differing mechanisms in human and mouse tumor cells. Cell Proliferation, 37- [2] 127-128 (2004). |
Koubek, P. - Elzeinová, F.
- Linhart, O. - Pěknicová,
J. Study of fish sperm proteins using monoclonal antibodies. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 483-484 ( 2004). |
Kovář, J. -
Štýbrová, H. -
Novák, J. - Ehrlichová,
M. -
Truksa, J. - Koc, M. - Krigerbecková, K. -
Scheiber-Mojdehkar, B. - Goldenberg, H. Heat Shock Protein 90 Recognized as an Iron-Binding Protein Associated with the Plasma Membrane of HeLa Cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 1-2 [14] 41-46 (2004). |
Krásný, L. -
Gourse, R. L. An alternative strategy for bacterial ribosome synthesis: Bacillus subtilis rRNA transcription regulation. EMBO Journal, 23 [22] 4473-4483 (2004). |
Kubátová, A. -
Pexidrová, M. -
Dráber, P. - Teplá, O. - Pěknicová, J. Detection of tubulin epitopes in human sperm ejaculates with normal and pathological spermiograms. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 484 (2004). |
M. - Filip, M. - Basta-Kaim, A. - Nowak, E. - Siwanowicz, J. - Zajícová, A. -
Holáň, V. -
Maes, M. - Laso±, W. The effect of cocaine sensitization on mouse immunoreactivity. European Journal of Pharmacology, 483, [-] 309-315 (2004). |
Kukharskyy, V. - Sulimenko, V. -
Macůrek, L. - Sulimenko, T. - Dráberová, E. -
Dráber, P. Complexes of gamma-tubulin with nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases Src and Fyn in differentiating P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Experimental Cell Research, 298, [-] 218-228 (2004). |
Kyselová, V. -
Pěknicová, J. Sperm AKAPs in the triangular part of the equatorial subdomain of boar sperm during capacitation, hyperactivation, and induced acrosomal reaction. Biology of Reproduction, -, [-] 187-188 (2004). |
Kyselová, V. -
Pěknicová, J. Sperm AKAPs - their regulation and associated protein during capacitation, activation and induced acrosomal reaction. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 484 (2004). |
Kyselová, V. -
Pěknicová, J. -
Boubelík, M. - Buckiová, D. Body and oragan weight, sperm acrosomal status and reproduction ofter genistern and diethylatilbestrol treatment of CD 1 mice in a multigenerational study. Theriogenology, 2004 [017] 1307-0325 (2004). |
Libusová, L. - Sulimenko,
T. -
Sulimenko, V. - Hozák, P. - Dráber, P. Gamma-tubulin in Leishmania: cell cycle-dependent changes in subcellular localization and heterogeneity of its isoforms. Experimental Cell Research, 295, [-] 375-386 (2004). |
Lusková, P. -
Dráber, P. Modulation of the Fcepsilon receptor I signaling by tyrosine kinase inhibitors: search for therapeutic targets of inflammatory and allergy diseases. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 10 [15] 1727-1736 (2004). |
Margaryan, H. - Čapková, J. Immunofluorescent localization and characterization of human sperm coating protein recognized by Hs-9 monoclonal antibody. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 483 (2004). |
Mikuš, T. -
Poplštein, M. -
Sedláková, J. - Landa,
V. - Jeníková, G. - Trefil, P. -
Lidický, J. - Malý,
P. Generation and phenotypic analysis of a transgenic line of rabbits secreting active recombinant human erythropoietin in the milk. Transgenic Research, 13 [5] 487-498 (2004). |
Mikyšková, R. -
Indrová, M. -
Šímová, J. - Jandlová, T. -
Bieblová, J. - Jinoch, P. - Bubeník, J. - Vonka,
V. Treatment of minimal residual disease after surgery or chemotherapy in mice carrying HPV16-associated tumours: cytokine and gene therapy with IL-2 and GM-CSF. International Journal of Oncology, 24 [1] 161-167 (2004). |
Mikyšková, R. -
Indrová, M. -
Šímová, J. - Jandlová, T. -
Bieblová, J. - Jinoch, P. - Vonka, V. Treatment of minimal residual disease after surgery or chemotherapy in mice carrying HPV16-associated tumours: Cytokine and gene therapy with IL-2 and GM-CSF. International Journal of Oncology, 24 [1] 161-167 (2004). |
Pačes, J. -
Pavlíček, A. - Zíka,
R. - Jurka, J. - Pačes,
V. HERVd: the Human Endogenous Retrovirus Database: update. Nucleic Acids Research, 32 [1] 50-50 (2004). |
Pačes, J. - Zíka, R. -
Pačes, V.
- Pavlíček, A. - Clay, O. - Bernardi, G. Representing GC variation along eukaryotic chromosomes. Gene, 333, [-] 135-141 (2004). |
Pačes, V. K práci J. Tichého Prionové neuroinfekce. Časopis lékařů čekých, 143 [7] 446 (2004). |
E. - Szyda, A. - Rossowska, J. - Krawczenko, A. - Indrová, M. -
P. - Wysocki, P. - Mackiewicz, A. - DuĽ, D. Loss of tumorigenicity of murine colon carcinoma MC38/0 cell line after transduction with a retroviral vector carrying murine IL-12 genes. Folia Biologica (Praha), 50 [1] 7-14 (2004). |
S. - Závada, J. Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) as a potential target for cancer therapy. Rewiev article. Cancer Therapy, 2, [-] 245-262 (2004). |
J. - Pěknicová, J.
Ulčová-Gallová, Z. - Nováková, D. -
Reischig, J. - Mičanová, Z. -
Rokyta, Z. Význam určování intra-akrosomálních proteinů a protilátek proti spermiím v lidské reprodukci. Česká gynekologie, 69 [4] 251-344 (2004). |
Pěknicová, J. -
Chládek, D.
- Teplá, O. Detection of spermatids in ejaculates of infertile males with monoclonal antibodies against intra-acrosomal sperm proteins. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 463-464 ( 2004). |
Pěknicová, J. -
Chládek, D.
- Teplá, O. Application of antibodies against sperm acrosomal proteins as probes to detection of humna sperm pathology and prediction of spermatogenesis. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 52 [Supplement 1] 49 (2004). |
Pěknicová, J. -
Chládek, D.
- Teplá, O. - Hozák, P. Detekce spermatid v ejakulátu neplodných mužů pomocí monoklonálních protilátek proti proteinům spermie. Alergie, 6 [supplementum 2] 34 (2004). |
H. - Dušková, J. - Dohnálek, J. -
Skálová, T. -
E. - Souček, M. - Konvalinka, J. - Brynda, J. - Fábry,
M. -
Sedláček, J. - Hašek, J. Role of hydroxy group and R/S configuration of isostere in binding properties of HIV-1 protease inhibitors. European Journal of Biochemistry, 271 [22] 4451-4461 (2004). |
J. - Kozmik, Z. Abstract Cubozoan jellyfish: an Evo/Devo model for eyes and other sensory systems. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 48 [8-9] 719-729 (2004). |
A. - Vachálková, A. - Masojídková, M. -
Horváthová, K. - Ovesná, Z. - Pačes, V. - Novotný,
L. Improved synthesis, antibacterial activity and potential carcinogenicity of 5-amino-1,2,4-thiadiazol-3(2H)-one. Pharmazie, 59 [10] 756-762 (2004). |
J. - Holáň, V.
Filipec, M. - Forrester, J. V. Lymph node removal enhances corneal graft survival in mice at high risk rejection. Ophthalmology, 4, [-] 1-7 (2004). |
J. - Kuffová, L. - Filipec, M. - Holáň, V. -
Forrester, J. V. Quantitative evaluation of the corneal endothelium in the mouse after grafting. British Journal of the Ophthalmology, 88 [9] 1209-1016 (2004). |
Reiniš, M. Technology evaluation: TroVax, Oxford Biomedica. Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics, 6 [4] 436-442 (2004). |
Reiniš, M. -
Indrová, M. -
Mendoza, L. - Mikyšková, R. - Bieblová, J. -
Bubeník, J. - Šímová, J. HPV16-associated tumours: Therapy of surgical minimal residual disease with dendritic cell-based vaccines. International Journal of Oncology, 25 [4] 1165-1170 (2004). |
Z. - Čapková, J.
Šinkora, J. - Osterreicher, J. - Ivanyi, P. Intestinal bacteria as triggering agents in murine ankylosing enthesopathy. Autoimmunity Reviews, 3 [Supplement 2] 108 (2004). |
Sedláková, A. -
Elzeinová, F.
- Bukovský, A. - Madar, J. - Ulčová-Gallová, Z. - Pěknicová, J. Application of monoclonal antibodies against trophoblastic cells to study female infertility. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 51 [6] 482-483 ( 2004). |
E. - Dusková, M. - Smahel, M. - Holáň, V. -
Janousková, O. - Vonka, V. Chemotherapy and immunotherapy of tumours induced by gene-modified HPV16-transformed cells. Oncology Reports, 12, [-] 877-883 (2004). |
Sovová, V. -
Kučerová, D. -
Vojtěchová, M. - Šloncová, E. -
Tuháčková, Z. Transactivation of E-cadherin is not involved in the activity of EGF receptor in colorectal carcinoma cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 25 [5] 1459-1464 ( 2004). |
E. - Man, P. - Pohl, J. - Van Nguyen, D. - Vaingátová, S.
- Ivašková,
E. - Pla, M. - Čapková,
- Sedláčková, M. - Ivanyi, P. - Flieger, M. Peptides eluted from HLA-B27 of human splenocytes and blood cells reveal a similar but partially different profile compared to in vitro grown cell lines. Immunology Lettets, 94, [-] 261-265 (2004). |
Storchová, R. -
Gregorová, S.
- Buckiová, D. - Kyselová,
V. - Divina, P. - Forejt, J. Genetic analysis of X-linked hybrid sterility in the house mouse. Mammalian Genome, 15, [-] 515-524 (2004). |
B. - Engelke, M. - Frey, J. - Hořejší,
V. - Hamm-Baarke, A. - Schraven, B. - Kurosaki, T. - Wienands, J. Grb2 and the non-T cell activation linker NTAL constitute a Ca(2+)-regulating signal circuit in B lymphocytes. Immunity, 21 [5] 681-691 (2004). |
Sulimenko, T. - Dráber, P. A fast and simple dot-immunobinding assay for quantifiction of mouse immunoglobulins in hybridoma culture supernatants. Journal of Immunological Methods, 289, [-] 89-95 (2004). |
Šanderová, H. -
Hůlková, M.
- Maloň, P. - Kepková, M. - Jonák,
J. Thermostability of Multidomain Proteins: Elongation Factors EF-Tu from Escherichia coli and Bacillus stearothermophilus and Their Chimeric Forms. Protein Science, 13 [1] 89-99 (2004). |
Šenigl, F. -
Kopecký, J. -
Grubhoffer, L. Distribution of E and NS1 proteins of TBE virus in mammalian and tick cells. Folia Microbiologica, 49 [2] 213-216 (2004). |
Šímová, J. -
Bubeník, J. -
Bieblová, J. - Jandlová, T. The role of NK1.1+ cells in the protection against MHC class I HPV16-associated tumours. Folia Biologica (Praha), 50 [6] 200-202 (2004). |
O. - Pěknicová, J. Ošetření mužských zárodečných buněk in vitro. Postgraduální medicína, 6 [2] 222-224 (2004). |
C. - Hořejší,
V. -
Iwaki, S. - Dráber, P.
- Samelson, L. E. - Satterthwaite, A. B. - Nahm, D. H. - Metcalfe, D.
D. - Gilfillan, A. M. NTAL phosphorylation is a pivotal link between the signaling cascades leading to human mast cell degranulation following Kit activation and Fc epsilon RI aggregation. Blood, 104 [1] 207-214 (2004). |
Tolar, P. -
Dráberová, L. -
Tolarová, H. - Dráber, P. Positive and negative regulation of Fcepsilon receptor I-mediated signaling events by Lyn kinase C-terminal tyrosine phosphorylation. European Journal of Immunology, 34 [4] 1136-1145 (2004). |
Tolarová, H. -
Dráberová, L. -
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