Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Formánková

Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
603 382 246, 210 310 240
Highest completed education

form 9/2007 Ph.D. in Social policy analysis - Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk university in Brno

6/2009 M.A. in Psychology - Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk university in Brno

6/2007 M.A. in Social policy analysis and social work  -  Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk university in Brno

Field of specialisation
  • labour market and social policy analysis in Czech and international context
  • new social risks in the lifecycle perspective
  • gender, gender identity and agency
  • biographic and narrative research
  • institutional analysis
Teaching activities
Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad
  • RECWOWE doctoral exchange stay, 7. – 19. 11. 2010, Germany, University of Hamburg.
  • ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques. 30. 7. – 14. 8. 2010, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Research fellowship, 1.1. 2010 – 31.5. 2010, Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV) University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • EDACwowe PhD workshop, Multi-Level Approaches to the Analysis of Work, Care and Welfare. 22. – 25.2. 2010, Utrecht University,  Netherlands.
  • ESPAnet ITALIA Summer School, 13 - 21. 8. 2009, 2009University of Florence, Italy .
  • COST Action A34 Summer School, 9 -13. 7. 2009, University of Sassari, Italy.
  • Master of the European Social Policy Analysis, 9/2004 - 9/2005,  University of Turku, Finland and University of Ljubliana, Slovenia.
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