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International conference - World of work and quality of life in globalized economy

to be held on the soil of the University of Economics in Prague in September 13-14, 2007.

Organizer is University of Economics in Prague in co-opreration with Research Institute of Occupational Safety, v.v.i., and Sociological Institute,Academy of Sciences, CR, v.v.i


Aims of the conference:

Globalization, its expressions and relating trends significantly change the world of work, quality of professional and personal life. The aim of the conference is to contribute to recognition of status and level of quality of professional life in terms of globalized economy and through example of the Czech Republic. The intention is to discover and identify new risks connected with development and extension of modern approaches in economy and management of organizations, with introduction of progressive technologies and the changed nature of work, with social, economic and other changes. Through these contributions, the conference wants to give incentives to state administration, commercial sphere as well as non-profit organizations and contribute to formulation of proposals for suitable methods of solution as regards problems from the world of work for the area of economy and management of organizations, in order to minimize negative impacts of expected changes and to enhance the risk prevention efficacy. The conference is one of results of the research and development project “Influence of changes in the world of work on quality of life”, solved within the government approved project TP-5 “Modern Society and Its Transformations” of the National Research Program. Organizers believe that the conference will become a valuable platform for exchange of experience by experts and will stimulate their further cooperation.

Main thematic sections:

  • Global world of work and quality of life
  • Enterprise and quality of professional life
  • Harmonization of professional and personal life
  • Management - initiator of acquisition and utilization of working potential
  • Prosperity, productivity, performance
  • Global world and logistics
  • Marketing and quality of life
  • Opinion of doctoral students and young scientists on the world of work and quality

Place of holding:

University of Economics in Prague
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Prague 3


For more information and registration visite web site of conference: http://mpartners.cz/vse/en


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