JUDr. Michal Illner

Pracovní zařazení:
vědecký pracovník
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
210 310 227
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Monografie a kapitoly v monografiích
  • Illner, M. (2006). „Velikost obcí, efektivita jejich správy a lokální demokracie.“ In: Vajdová, Z., Čermák, D. a M. Illner. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. Sociologické studie/Sociological Studies 06/2, s. 15-26.
  • Illner, Michal. (2005). „Názory na nové krajské zřízení.“ In: Kostelecký, T. a J. Vobecká (eds.). Regionální elity 2004. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.
  • Baldersheim, Harald, Illner, Michal and Hellmut Wollmann (eds.)(2003). Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, Opladen: Leske+Budrich
  • Illner, Michal (2003). The Czech Republic 1990-2001. Successful reform at the municipal level and a difficult birth of the intermediary givernment, in: Baldersheim, Harald, Illner, Michal and Hellmut Wollmann (eds.)(2003). Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, Opladen: Leske+Budrich, p. 61-90
  • Illner, Michal (2003). Devolution of Government in the Ex-Communist Countries: Some Explanatory Frameworks, in: Baldersheim, Harald, Illner, Michal and Hellmut Wollmann (eds.)(2003). Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, Opladen: Leske+Budrich, p. 9-28
  • Illner, Michal and Hellmut Wollmann (2003). Decentralisation: Lessons for Refomers, in: Baldersheim, Harald, Illner, Michal and Hellmut Wollmann (eds.)(2003). Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, Opladen: Leske+Budrich, p. 313-335
  • Illner, Michal (2003). Thirteen years of reforming sub-national government in the Czech Republic, in: Kersting, Norbert and Angelica Vetter (eds.). Reforming Local Government in Europe, Opladen: Leske+Budrich, p.261-281
  • Illner, Michal. (2002). České regiony na prahu evropské integrace, in: Současná česká společnost. Sociologické studie, Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, s. 289-306
  • Gorzelak, Grzegorz, Éva Ehrlich, Lubomír Falťan and Michal Illner (eds.) (2001). Central Europe in Transition: Towards EU Membershi,. Warsaw: Scholar Publishing House
  • Illner, Michal (2001). Formování lokálních mocenských elit se zvláštním zřetelem na úlohu starostů, in: Hampl. Martin a kol., Regionální vývoj: specifika české transformace, evropská integrace a obecná teorie, Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, s. 251-274
  • Illner Michal., Stachová Jana., Vajdová Zdenka. (2001). "The Use of Public Consultation Practise for Policy-Making in the Czech Republic". in Citizens as Partners. OECD.
  • Illner, M. Stachová, J., Vajdová, Z., 2001. "Public Consultation on Education Policy in the Czech Republic." Pp. 145-175 in Citizens as Partners. Str.. OECD. ISBN 92-64-19539-4
  • Illner, Michal (1999). Territorial Decentralization: An Obstacle to Democratic Reform in Central and Eastern Europe?, in: Kimball, Jonathan D. (ed.). The transfer of power. Decentralization in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest: The Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, p. 7-42
  • Illner, Michal (1999). Territorial Government in the Czech Republic, in: Kirchner, Emil (ed.). Decentralization and transition in the Visegrad. Houndmills, Basingtoke, Hampshire and London: Macmillan Press Ltd., New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc., p. 80-101
  • Illner, Michal (1999). The Changing Role of Local Government in the Post-Communist Transformation, in: Sakwa, Richard (ed.). The Experience of Democratization in Eastern Europe, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and London: Macmillan Press Ltd; New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc., p. 171-184
  • Illner, Michal (1999). Second thoughts on the transformation in Eastern and Central Europe, in: Boje, P. Thomas; van Steenbergen, Bart; Walby, Silvya. European Societies. Fusion of Fission? London and New York: Routledge, p. 234-245
  • Illner, Michal (1999). Territorial Government in the Czech Republic, in: Kirchner, Emil (ed.). Decentralization and Transition in the Visegrad, Houndmills: Macmillan Press, New York: St. Martin's Press, p. 80-101
  • Illner, Michal (1998). Local Democratization in the Czech Republic After 1989, in: Rueschemeyer, Dietrich, Marilyn Rueschemeyer and Bjorn Wittrock (eds.), Participation and Democracy. East and West. Comparisons and Interpretation,. Armonk, New York, London: M.E.Sharpe, p. 51-82.
  • Illner, Michal (1997). "Regional Structure and Post-communist Transformation - the Case of the Czech Republic." In: Jiri Musil and Wendelin Strubelt (Hrsg.), Raumliche Auswirkungen des Transformationsprozesses in Deutschland und bei den oestlichen Nachbarn, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, S. 29-44
  • Illner, Michal (1997) (vyd.). Zpráva o lidském rozvoji. Česká republika 1997, Praha: Sociologický Ústav AV ČR. Dtto: Human Development Report. Czech Republic 1997, Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Baldersheim, Harald., Illner, Michal, Offerdal, Audun., Rose, Lawrence, Swianiewicz, Pawel. (1996). Local Democracy and the Processes of Transformation in East-Central Europe, Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Dostál, Petr, Illner, Michal, Kára, Jan, Barlow, Max (eds.) (1992). Changing territorial administration in Czechoslovakia, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
Provedené výzkumy
  • výzkumy v rámci některých uvedených projektů
Články v odborných časopisech s recenzním řízením
  • Illner, Michal (2003). „Procesos de descentralización en el gobierno de los paises se Europa Central y Oriental.“, Información Comercial Espaňola 809/2003, 117-134.
  • Illner, M. (2002). "Voortgang op de ingeslagen weg?. Decentralisatie en de vorming van regionaal bestuur in Tsjechie", Oost-Europa Verkenningen, Juni 2002, p. 6-23
  • Illner, Michal (1998). "The changing quality of life in a post-Communist country. The case of Czech Republic", Social Indicators Research 43, 141-170.
  • Illner, Michal (1997). "Territorial Decentralization - a Stumbling Block of Democratic Reforms in East-Central Europe?", Polish Sociological Review I(117)97, 23-45
  • Illner, Michal (1996). "Post-Communist Transformation Revisited", Czech Sociological Review IV, 2, 157-169
  • Illner, Michal, Andrle, Alois (1994). "The regional aspect of post-communist transformation in the Czech Republic", Czech Sociological Review 2, 1, 107-127
  • Illner, Michal (1994). "The international context of Czech transformation", Czech Sociological Review II, 1, 21-34
  • Heřmanová, Eva, Illner, Michal, Vajdová, Zdenka (1992)." Politické jaro 1990 na venkově a v malém městě", Sociologický časopis 28, 369-385
  • Illner, Michal (1992). "K sociologickým otázkám místní správy", Sociologický časopis 28, 480-492
  • Illner, Michal (1992). "Continuity and discontinuity. Political change in a Czech village after 1989", Czechoslovak Sociological Review, Special Issue, 79-91
Články v odborných časopisech bez recenzního řízení
  • Illner, Michal. (2002). "Dezentralisierung und kommunale Selbstverwaltung in der Tschechischen Republik", in Die Gemeinde, Nr.21/2002, 828-833.
  • Illner, Michal (2001)."Regional Development in the Czech Republic Before and After the Accession. Some Speculative Scenarios", Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 11 / 12, 751-756
  • Illner, Michal (2000). "Issues of Decentralization Reforms in Former Communist Countries", Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 2000, Nr. 7/8, 391-401
  • Illner, Michal (1998). "Public opinion surveys as inputs to administrative reform in the Czech Republic," in: Public opinion surveys as input to administrative reform, Sigma Papers, 25, 40-58
  • Illner, Michal (1998). "Pojem normality je relativní", Prostor 1998, 61-64
  • Illner, Michal (1990). "Zwischen Oekonomie und Neufeudalismus. Die Rolle der Unternehmen in der raumlichen Entwicklung einer real-sozialistischen Gesellschaft", Nachrichtenblatt zur Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie 2/1990, 12-19.
Zprávy z výzkumů
  • Illner, Michal. (2002). Multilevel Government in Three East Central European Candidate Countries and its Reforms after 1989, European University Institute, EUI Working Paper, RSC No. 2002 /7
  • Illner, Michal (1997). The territorial dimension of public administration reforms in East Central Europe. Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pracovní texty/Working Papers WP:7
  • Musil, Jiří, Illner, Michal.(1992). "Dlouhodobé‚ sméry vývoje hlavního města Prahy z hlediska sociálné-ekonomického, kulturního a geopolitického", Sociologický ústav ČSAV, Pracovní texty
  • Illner, Michal. (1991). "Problems of Local Government in the Czech Republic (Past, Present and Future)", in : Péteri, Gabor.(ed), Events and Changes. The First Steps of Local Transition in East-Central Europe. Local Democracy and Innovation Project Working Papers, Budapest: L&D Foundation, 19-31
  • Illner, Michal. (ed.) (1991). "Územní vztahy, územní a státoprávní uspořádání České republiky v názorech obyvatel", Sociologický ústav ČSAV 1991
Jiné publikace
  • Illner, Michal. (2003). „Regional Reform in the Czech Republic“, Současná Evropa a Česká republika 2/2003. 76-98, soubor příspěvků z konference Rozšíření Evropské unie, občanská společnost a evropská forma vládnutí.
  • Illner, Michal (1999). "Post-Communist Transformation and the Development of Social Sciences - the Czech Case," in: Faltan, Lubomír (ed.). Expectations and Reality. The Challenge for the Social Sciences, Bratislava: Institute of Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, p. 36-43.
  • Illner, Michal (1999). "Decentralization Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS after 1989: Aims, Problems and Solutions", in: Decentralization: Conditions for Success. Lessons from Central abd Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, New York: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Economics and Public Administration, p. 23-38
  • Illner, Michal (1997). "Spatial impacts of societal transformation in East Central Europe", in: Stefan Hradil (Hrsg.), Differenz und Integration. Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften. Verhandlungen des 28. Kogresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Soziologie in Dresden 1996, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, p. 172-186
  • Illner, Michal (1996). "Prague. Autonomy of the City in Central Europe." In: Anton Pelinka und Dov Ronen (Hrsg.), Autonomy of the City in Central Europe - Bratislava, Budapest, Prague, Vienna, Wien: Institut fuer Konfliktforschung, p.1-47 and Appendix
  • Illner, Michal (1996). "Social and Political Effectiveness of Communal Self-Government in the Czech Republic in the Light of Sociological Research", in: The State, Problems and Outlines of Public Administration in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the workshop with internationalo participation in Štiřín Castle on 20 - 21 February 1996, The Office for Legislation and Public Administration, p. 81 - 93.
  • Illner, Michal (ed.) (1993). Czech Republic - Transformations after 1989 and Beyond. Scenario of change until the year 2005. National report, Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Illner, Michal, Baldersheim, Harald., Patočka, Jiří., Surazska, Wisla (eds.) (1993). Regional Organization and Administrative Performance in Eastern Europe. Proceedings of International Conference, Prague September 27-30, 1993, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
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