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Academy of Sciences Library

Web of Knowledge

The product Thomson-ISI, with access to information sources Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Current Contents Connect, contains information on articles, authors, content and references, citation frequency and editing information, follows about 7500 important periodicals especially Anglo-American production, multi-specialization orientation. In WoS it is possible, among other things, to find the citation frequency of an author. In JCR it is possible to search for the Impact Factor indicator.

Access to the database: www.webofknowledge.com

Philip Purnell - Web of Knowledge Update
(presentation in English from seminary 25. 11. 2010, *.ppt, 7,4 MB)

David Horký - Web of Knowledge Update

(presentation in Czech from seminary 7. 12. 2010, *.ppt, 8,9 MB)

Philip Purnell - Citation Indices
(presentation in English from seminary 5. 3. 2010, *.ppt, 10 MB)

Final report on the project (January 2009) (in the Czech language only)

Statistical data on the use of the Web of Knowledge (Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports) (in the Czech language only):