Homepage  Laboratory of DNA repair and molecule farm

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  Field of research

The laboratory is studying proceses underlying induction of DNA mutations, repair and recombination in plants under various stress conditions.
Because only a very few suitable mutants are available, the understanding of these processes in plants lag behind other organisms. To circumvent this obstacle our strategy takes the advantage of Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation: Firstly to overexpress exogenous yeast repair genes (Rad6 and Rad52) in tobacco to study their effects, secondly to produce and screen Arabidopsis T-DNA insertional library with enhancer sequence for sensitivity to chemical mutagens. We have developed the cotyledon assay for detection of induced mutagenesis in tobacco and the comet assay for detection of DNA damage in virtually any plant.


Pascale Schlaich, Dita Bohdanecká,  Markéta Šmídková, Jitka Brouzdová, Jarda Kozák, Karel Angelis, Marcela Holá

Karel Angelis

RNDr. Karel J. Angelis, CSc.
head of the laboratory
Ing. Dita Bohdanecká
protein expression in plants and purification
Dita Bohdanecká
Jitka Brouzdová

Ing. Jitka Brouzdová
protein expression in plants

Mgr. Marcela Holá
production of bioactiv proteins in moss  Physcomitrella patents
Marcela Holá
Jaroslav Kozák

Mgr. Jaroslav Kozák
DNA repair

Ing. Stanislava Kuviková, PhD.
maternity leave
Stanislava Kuvikova
Markéta Šmídková

Mgr. Markéta Šmídková
protein production in moss  Physcomitrella patents,
production scFv in plants


  Research projects

  Finished projects

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic:



Friedlender M, S Lev-Yagun, I Babůrek, K Angelis, AA Levy (1996) Cell divisions in cotyledons after germination: localization, time course and utilization for mutagenesis assay. Planta 199:307-313

Babůrek I,B Stibůrková, AA Levy, KJ Angelis (1997) Tobacco cotyledons: A Novel System for Testing Mutagenicity in Plants. Env. Molec. Mutag. 30:91-93

Koppen G, KJ Angelis (1998) Repair of X-ray induced DNA damage measured by comet assay in root tips of Vicia faba. Env. Molec. Mutag. 32:281-285

Angelis KJ, M Dušínská, AR Collins (1999) Single cell gel electrophoresis; detection of DNA damage at different levels of sensitivity. Electrophoresis 20: 2133-2138

Menke M, KJ Angelis, I Schubert (2000) Detection of specific DNA lesions by a combination of comet assay and FISH in plants. Env. Molec. Mutag. 35:132-138

Angelis KJ, M McGuffie, M. Menke, I Schubert (2000) Adaptation to Alkylation Damage in DNA Measured by the Comet assay. Env. Molec. Mutag. 36: 146-150

Menke M, I-P Cheng, KJ Angelis, I Schubert (2001) DNA damage and repair in Arabidopsis thaliana as measured by the Comet Assay after treatment with different classes of genotoxins. Mutat. Res. 493: 87-93

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