Main seminar of the Doppler
Institute, meeting mostly on Tuesday afternoons, usually in the main
building in Břehová 7, but switching occasionally between different places. The earlier history of the seminar can be
found here.
Absence of an
affiliation usually means that the speaker is a regular member of the
Exceptionally on Thursday November 11 at 16.00 [B-13] Helmut
Rauch (Vienna University of Technology):
Neutron quantum optics (this is the first of a series of lectures)
The seminar of Enrique Zuazua (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao) entitled
Hardy inequalities and asymptotics for heat kernels, scheduled for May 18, had to be cancelled by the speaker due to a serious family reason. We hope to have the talk at a suitable occasion in the future.
Exceptionally on Wednesday October 21 at 9.30 [B-13] Stephen M.
Barnett (University of Strathclyde):
Quantum information (this is the first of a series of lectures; the
slides can be found here: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV)
Exceptionally on Monday May 5 at 15.00 [B-13]; this is an opening of a minicourse which will continue through the month of May on Mondays and Thursdays Eric Lutz (Universität Augsburg):
Modern nonequilibrium physics
[B] Czech Technical University, Main building of the FNSPE,
Břehová 7, 11519 Praha [T] CTU, Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Trojanova 13,
Praha [Rl Academy of Sciences, NPI, Department of Theoretical
25068 Řež near Prague [H] University of Hradec Králové, Department of Mathematical
Physics, Building 5, Víta Nejedlého 573