Personal data: Born: July 24, 1944, Nationality: Czech
Education: M.D. (1970) Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague
Ph.D. (1976) Institute of Physiology, CAS, Prague
D.Sc. (1990) Masaryk University, Brno
Professor of Physiology (2000) Charles University, Prague
Research and academic positions:
1970-75 Doctoral training, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague
1976-83 Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague
1977 Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Goteborg, Sweden
1983-90 Head, Laboratory of Neurohumoral Regulations, Institute of Physiological Regulations,
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
1984 Visiting Professor, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
1985-86 Visiting Senior Research Fellow, University of Western Australia, Perth
1991- Head, Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Experimental Medicine,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
1996- Chairman, Department of Neuroscience, 2nd Medical School, Charles University, Prague
2000- Chairman, Center for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair, Charles University, Prague
2001- Director, Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR, Prague,
EU Center for Excellence MEDIPRA (Principal coordinator)
Awards for scientific work:
1976 and 1978 Awards of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
1982 Prize of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
1984 Prize of Czechoslovak Physiological Society
1992 Prize of Czech Medical Society of J.E. Purkyně
1993 Prize of Czech Neuroscience Society
1994 Prize of Czech Medical Society of J.E. Purkyně
1997 Prize of Czech Academy of Sciences
1997 Janssen-CilagAward
1999 Elected member of Academia Europea
2000 Elected member of European DANA Aliance
2002 Elected member of European Academy of Sciences
2003 Purkynje Medal AS CR
2004 "Lady pro" Award
2004 Elected Fellow of Czech Medical Academy (FCMA)
2005 Jansen-Cilag Foundation award
2008 Medal of Jan Trapel
2009 Best publication in 2009 Czech Medical Society of J.E. Purkyně
2009 Honorary Membership of Czech n Neuroscience Society
2009 Honorary Membership of Czech Medical Society of J.E. Purkyně
2011 Elected member of The Learned Society of the Czech Republic
A total of 855 publications including 240 full-length papers in peer-reviewed journals, 36 book chapters in English, author of 1 book, and editor of 4 books. Citation impact according to SCI - publications were cited more than 4969times by other authors, 6431 including autocitations (Hirsch index = 46).
Organization of conferences and symposia:
Organizer or co-organizer of 20 international congresses and meetings. Organizer of 5 international teaching workshops for young scientists.
Elected functions:
1990- Executive Committee of Czech Neuroscience Society (member)
1993- National representative in European network “Function of Glial Cells”
2001-08 Executive Committee of the Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS)
2001- Director of the EU Centre of Excellence - MEDIPRA
2002- IBRO – member of Governing Council
2003- Chairperson of the Committee for Doctor in Science habilitation in Biomedicine
2005- Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministery of Health of the Czech Republic
2005- President of the Czech Neuroscience Society
2007- Member of ECNP Scientific Advisory Panel for B asic Neuroscience (SAP)
2009- Chairperson od Section for Clinical Studies in Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Member of editorial boards:
The Neuroscientist (Sage, USA)
Neuroscience Letters (Elsevier, Amsterdam)
Neuron-Glia Biology (Cambridge Univ. Press, UK)
Journal of Neuroscience Research (Wiley - Liss, USA)
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience (Elsevier)