RIHA in Prague

RIHA in Prague

The International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA) currently associates nearly thirty institutions that deal with academic research and documentation in the field of art history. It was founded in Paris in 1998, and one of its founding members was the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Attached file: RIHA-Measuring_Quality_Resolution.pdf

The representatives of RIHA meet every year at one of the member institutions and formulate a joint position on issues that they consider important for the current state and functioning of the art history field. At the meeting in Rome on 8 November 2008 the “RIHA Resolution on Copyright” was approved; the document “ERIH and Art History – a joint resolution of RIHA” was formulated and then approved on 7 November 2009 in Ljubljana (for these materials see: www.riha-institutes.org). The thirteenth RIHA meeting was organised in Prague on 10-12 November 2011 by the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and resulted in the topical resolution “Measuring Quality in Art History”, which is printed below.

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