The New Criterion: 'Teige would have been impressed'

The New Criterion: 'Teige would have been impressed'

"The 'New Formations' catalogue design is well-conceived with ample white space and unique square dimensions. Czech art scholars Karel Srp and Lenka Bydžovská contribute six excellen essays each of which is followed by period texts by Czech avant-gardists; Jan Merlg discusses the Czech modern glass pieces. The artists’ biographies section is especially helpful considering the number of collaborations and the range of works discussed. Teige, wo designed many limited-edition books even while he scorned 'bibliophilism', would no doubt have been impressed," says reviewer of the journal The New Criterion, Leann Davis Alspaugh.

New Formations: Czech Avant-Garde Art and Modern Glass from the Roy and Mary Cullen Collection in Houston, November 6, 2011–February 5, 2012

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