6th FERO meeting

Boční II 1401/1a, 141 31 Praha 4
Czech Republic

30th – 31st of August 2012

Euro in Czech Crowns: 1€ =
Metro-Tram scheme
Map of centre (more detailed)

Registration deadline – 28th of May 2012

Finding Extreme Relativistic Objects

The FERO project was founded in February 2008 when the first meeting was held at the European Space Astronomy Center nearby Madrid. Since then, the FERO collaboration continues to conduct a systematic analysis to search for the presence of relativistic features in the X-ray spectra of nearby, bright Seyfert galaxies. These observations are used to study the global properties of accretion flows in the strong relativistic regime. The analysis of the FERO sample is based on high-quality X-ray satellite data combined with the state-of-the-art modeling tools.

The ongoing work of the FERO analysis regularly gives rise to new observational campaigns, which is why the FERO meetings are usually scheduled before the next call for XMM-Newton and Suzaku proposals. This time we plan a meeting at the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Prague. The workshop will consist of contributed talks and it will give large room for discussion and planning of future actions.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact the meeting organizers or .