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SR7500DC SPR System

Location:   Research team of Dr. Jan Konvalinka
Responsible person:   Dr. Milan Kožíšek (phone 220 183 518)

SR7500DC Surface Plasmon Resonance System

SR7500DC Surface Plasmon Resonance System (Reichert Instruments) is the last generation of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology with incomparable sensitivity and high-quality binding data for interaction analysis - all in a flexible component-based platform. The key to the system is the advanced SR7500 Dual Channel SPR Spectrometer instrument. The label-free system generates data on critical interactions between proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, small molecules, whole cells, bacteria, viruses, and polymers.

Components of the SR7500DC System include:

  • SR7500DC apectrometer
  • autosampler
  • programmable syringe pump
  • diverter valve
  • flow cells
  • sensor chips

Metrohm Autolab

Location:   Research team of Prof. Josef Michl
Responsible person:   Dr. Jiøí Kaleta (phone 220 183 342)

Metrohm Autolab

The depicted instrumental assembly is used for cyclic voltammetry and similar electrochemical measurements. This is essential for studies of monolayers and molecular grids for mounting molecular rotors. The key part of the system are Metrohm 663 VA Stand, Metrohm Autolab Potentiostat/Galvanostat and Tektronix TDS 1002B digital oscillosope.