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13 Feb 10 - 7 Jul 19
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Greyson E.C., Vura-Weis J., Michl J., Ratner M.A.:
Maximizing Singlet Fission in Organic Dimers: Theoretical Investigation of Triplet Yield in the Regime of Localized Excitation and Fast Coherent Electron Transfer.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114: 14168-14177. ISSN 1520-6106 (2010).

Greyson E.C., Stepp B.R., Chen X., Schwerin A.F., Paci I., Smith M.B., Akdag A., Johnson J.C., Nozik A.J., Michl, J., Ratner M.A.:
Singlet Exciton Fission for Solar Cell Applications: Energy Aspects of Interchromophore Coupling.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114: 14223-14232 (2010).

Hromadová M., Kolivoška V., Gál M., Pospíšil L., Sokolová R., Valášek M.:
Inclusion complex of α-cyclodextrin and the extended viologen dication: a model of an insulated molecular wire.
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 70: 461-469 (2010).

Hromadová M., Kolivoška V., Sokolová R., Gál M., Pospíšil L., Valášek M.:
On the Adsorption of Extended Viologens at the Electrode|Electrolyte Interface.
Langmuir 26: 17232-17236 (2010).

Johnson J.C., Nozik A.J., Michl J.:
High Triplet Yield from Singlet Fission in a Thin Film of 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132: 16302-16303 (2010).

Kaleta J., Michl J., Mazal C.G.:
T-Shaped Molecular Building Blocks by Combined Bridgehead and Bridge Substitution on Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes.
Journal of Organic Chemistry 75: 2350-2356 (2010).

Khobragade, D., Stensrud E.S., Mucha M., Smith J.R., Pohl R., Stibor I., Michl J.:
Preparation of Covalent Long-Chain Trialkylstannyl and Trialkylsilyl Salts and an Examination of their Adsorption on Gold.
Langmuir 26: 8483-8490 (2010).

Michl J.:
Concluding remarks.Physical organic chemistry today.
Faraday Discussions 145: 557-561 (2010).

Mulcahy M.E., Bastl Z., Stensrud K.F., Magnera T.F., Michl J.:
Mercury-Mediated Attachment of Metal-Sandwich-Based Altitudinal Molecular Rotors to Gold Surfaces.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114: 14050-14060 (2010).

Schwerin A.F., Johnson J.C., Smith M.B., Sreearunothai P., Popovič D., Černý J., Havlas Z., Paci I., Akdag A., MacLeod M.K., Chen X., David D.E., Ratner M.A., Miller J.R., Nozik A.J., Michl J.:
Toward Designed Singlet Fission: Electronic States and Photophysics of 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114: 1457-1473 (2010).

Smith M.B., Michl J.:
Singlet Fission.
Chemical Reviews 110: 6891-6936 (2010).

Valášek M., Štursa J., Pohl R., Michl J.:
Lithium Salts of [1,12-Dialkyl-CB11Me10]- Anions.
Inorganic Chemistry 49: 10255-10263 (2010).

Valášek M., Štursa J., Pohl R., Michl J.:
Microwave-Assisted Alkylation of [CB11H12]- and Related Anions.
Inorganic Chemistry 49: 10247-10254 (2010).

Wrochem von F., Scholz F., Gao D., Nothofer H.G., Yasuda A., Wessels J.M., Roy S., Chen X., Michl J.:
High-Band-Gap Polycrystalline Monolayers of a 12-Vertex p-Carborane on Au(111).
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1: 3471-3477 (2010).