Research projects

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GA104/09/1269 2009-2012
    Proposer Prof. RNDr. Ondrej Gedeon, Ph.D., VŠCHT
    Co-proposer RNDr. Vratislav Peřina, CSc., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Mgr. Karel Jurek, CSc., FU AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Changes in structure and properties of silicate glass irradiated with high-energy particles
    Název Změny ve struktuře a vlastnostech křemičitých skel ozářených vysokoenergetickými částicemi

    Silicate glass is one of the most important and widely spread technical materials. It is frequently used in the applications where it is exposed to the particle radiations of different energies. Therefore, it is very important to study the changes in glass caused by the radiation both from technical applications point of view (changes in glass properties) as well as from point of view of glass science (changes in glass structure).The project will perform a systematic investigation of changes in glass structure and properties caused by electrons irradiation in different energy ranges from about 3 keV up to MeV's and by proton irradiation (MeV). The compositional changes and inhomogeneities on the micron scale will be characterized by EPMA. Evolution of structural changes will be studied by XPS, NMR, and Raman spectroscopy. Surface topographies will be characterized by AFM and SEM. Moreover, the molecular dynamics simulations will be used as a theoretical tool for the interpretation of the experimental findings. Chemical durability of glass irradiated with electrons/protons will be established and nanoindentation methods will be used for the characterization of mechanical properties. Expected results may enhance the applicability of glass and improve its limiting properties.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GA106/09/0125 2009-2013
    Proposer Doc.Ing. Vladimír Hnatowicz, DrSc.,UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Co-proposer Prof. Ing. Václav Švorčík, DrSc., VŠCHT
    Doc. Ing. Olga Bláhová, Ph.D., ZCU
    Title Preparation and characterization of metal/polymer structures
    Název Příprava a vlastnosti struktur kov/polymer

    The interactions between metals and polymers will be studied using complementary analytical techniques on different metal-polymer and metal-polymer-metal systems. The research is of interest from the fundamental point of view and for broad practical utilization of metal coated polymers in analytical chemistry, electronics, food packaging etc. The specimens will be prepared by sputtering or vacuum deposition of 10-100 nm thick layers of different metals Au, Ag, Pd and Pt on various polymers PET, PMMA, PE and PTFE. The structure characterization will be provided using profilometer, TEM, AAS spectroscopy, RBS, ERD). The electrical resistance and magnetic properties will be measured. Nanointendenter device will be used for the determination of the layers adhesion. The layer morphology will be studied using AFM and SEM. Ion implantation and ion assisted mixing of metal particles and polymer structure will be used for composite preparation. For mobility and diffusion study of metals in polymer substrate RBS, XPS will be used.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GAP108/11/0958 2011-2015
    Proposer Doc. Mgr. Jakub Čížek, Ph.D., MFF UK
    Co-proposer RNDr. Vladimír Havránek, CSc., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Ing. Ján Lančok, Ph.D., FU AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Investigation of point defects in ZnO and their interaction with hydrogen and nitrogen
    Název Výzkum bodových defektů v ZnO a studium jejich interakce s vodíkem a dusíkem

    Complex investigations of point defects in ZnO are proposed in the present project. Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) including also variable energy PAS using slow positron beam will be used as a principal technique for defect studies. State-of-art ab-initio theoretical calculations will be employed for interpretation of PAS data. Defects in ZnO single crystals will be compared with those in epitaxial and nanocrystalline ZnO thin films. Defects studies will be combined with electrical (temperature-dependent Hall effect, deep level transient spectroscopy) and optical (photoluminescence, optical transmission) measurements in order to find a link between predominant defect configurations and specific electrical and optical properties of ZnO samples. Moreover, in the present project we intend to investigate interaction of hydrogen and nitrogen with point defects in ZnO and influence hydrogen and nitrogen on electrical and optical properties. A new UHV chamber for on-line sputtering of ZnO films will be constructed and connected to slow positron beam. This novel setup enables to perform variable energy PAS investigations of thin ZnO films in-situ during film deposition. It gives us an exclusive possibility to investigate formation of defects and incorporation of impurities into ZnO lattice during film growth.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    P108/12/G108 2012- 2018
    Proposer Prof. Ing. Václav Švorčík, DrSc., VŠCHT
    Co-proposer Ing. Alexander Kromka, Ph.D., FU AV ČR, v.v.i.
    MUDr. Lucie Bačáková, CSc., FGU AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Mgr. Jiří Vacík, CSc., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Preparation, modification and characterization of materials by radiation.
    Název Příprava, modifikace a charakterizace materiálů zářením

    This project, aiming at preparation of novel micro- and nano-structured materials and systems, their modification by radiation and other techniques, their characterization by full arsenal of diagnostic methods available at participant laboratories, and the study of their chemical, physico-chemical and bio-properties, is inherently multidisciplinary and its goals cannot be achieved under standard research financing. Cooperation of 4 participants will lead to strong synergetic effect on common research. Attention will be paid to systems with potential application in medicine, tissue engineering, microelectronics, optoelectronics and sensor construction and further to processes of diffusion, aggregation, self-organization, material degradation by irradiation, interaction of cells with new materials and effects of radiation on biological objects (e.g. living cells). Nuclear analytical techniques will be used in material and biomedical and environmental research. The project will involve master and PhD students, who will asquire partical experience in multidisciplinary research.

  • Provider European Comission
    U1327500299137 2012
    Proposer RNDr. Anna Macková, PhD., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Preparation and study of optical structures prepared by ion implantation
    Název Příprava a studium optický struktur připravených pomocí iontové implantace

    The materials doped by erbium ions are currently used for optical signal amplification or generation. Important factors influencing the luminescence properties of a lasing ion is the surounding crystal field. In this project we would like to use the ion-implantation technique followed by subsequent annealing as a useful way to influence the crystal field of implanted ion in LiNbO3, ZnO and special glasses.

    This project continue in previous projects SPIRIT no. 117 (2011) and RITA No. 025646 (2007-2009)  .

  • Provider European Comission
    FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 Number 283883-NMI3-II 02/2012 - 01/2016
    Proposer Joint project of European neutron and muon reseach facilities

    nmi3_web_smallThe NMI3 project falls within the activity 'Research Infrastructures' of the EU 7th Framework programme. The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) brings together 18 partners from 12 countries, including 8 research infrastructures, together with other interested organisations (see overview on the web).

    NPL is funded as one of the partners within the NMI3 program of FP7. Therefore, within its Access activities,  we are able to support our users from EU member countries and associated states (see the list), except those from Czech Republic, by the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses.

    For more information on user access to the NPL experimental facilities, see this page.

  • Provider European Space Agency
    AO/1-6052/09/NL/CBI 2010-2011
    Proposer Ing. Stanislav Pospíšil, DrSc,. UTEF ČVUT Praha
    Co-proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Neutron Facilities in the Czech Republic for Calibration and Testing of ESA-Compliant Neutron-Sensitive Devices

    The subject and principal aim of this proposal is the study and evaluation of neutron source facilities in the Czech Republic within preparatory activities for ESA purposes/needs. A parallel smaller part is the design and realization of short-term modifications of instruments. Long-term and major modifications and instrument upgrades can subject of future work.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GAČR, 107/11/1856 2011-2013
    Proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Metal-fullerene nanocomposites and their biological applications.
    Název Nanokompozity kov-fulleren a jejich biologické aplikace.

    The main topic of the grant project is the study of thin films of hybrid composites based on carbon allotropes (especially C60) and transition (and noble) metals, their preparation, modification and characterization, and also the study of their biological properties (i.e., biotolerance, adhesion of bone-type cells, their growth, differentiation, etc.). The purpose is to develop novel hybrid materials with well-defined structures and interesting properties attractive for applications (e.g., for tissue engineering). For fabrication of the composites, suitable deposition techniques will be used; for characterization of the films an arsenal of analytical methods will be at our disposal. The preliminary experiments demonstrated an interesting aspect of the project – the possibility of preparing composite materials with regular structures at a (sub-) micron scale level either created due to spontaneous self-organization (induced by a certain deposition kinetics), or because of coordinated phase separation initiated by thermal annealing or irradiation with energy ion beams. The specific goal of this project is to shed more light on the onset, mechanisms and kinetics of the above-mentioned phenomena.

  • Provider Akademie věd České republiky
    KAN400480701 2007-2011
    Proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Nanostructures based on carbon and polymers for application in bioelectronic and medicine.
    Název Nanostruktury na bázi uhlíku a polymeru pro využití v bioelektronice a v medicíně.

    The main goal of the project is synthesis and characterization of promising nanostructured composites (mainly of carbon allotropes and synthetic polymers) exhibiting important biological and other (electrical, optical) properties that would be possible to utilize in the interaction with biological systems. The synthesized composite materials (based on fullerenes and metals, carbon and polymers, modified nanocrystalline diamonds, carborans, etched ion tracks and ion implantation or irradiation) will be inspected from the viewpoint of biocompatibility, adhesion and growth of cells and other bioapplications. Another goal of the project is demonstration of the active hybrid system based on combination of a cell (biomolecule) and microelectronic device with a modified nanocrystalline diamond as an interface.

  • Provider Akademie věd České republiky
    GAAV, IAA400320901 2009-2011
    Proposer Tomáš Baše, PhD., ÚACH AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Co-proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Gold and silver surfaces modified with functional derivatives of boron hydrides
    Název Zlaté a stríbrné povrchy modifikované funkcními deriváty hydridu bóru

    Gold and silver polyhedral particles with narrow size distribution and average diameter ranging from micrometer to nanometer dimensions will be prepared and securely deposited on titanium containing substrates (Ti or its alloys). The particles assembled into a consistent film with controlled roughness and morphology will be modified with selected thiol derivatives of boron hydrides. These substrate surfaces will be additionally treated with cell adhesion-mediating peptide-based ligands for cell adhesion receptors in order to promote and control the adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteogenic and vascular cells in cultures on the developed layers. Gold or silver nanoparticles will be tested in combination with fullerenes C60, i.e. carbon allotrope which proved to be a good substrate for the adhesion and growth of bone and vascular cells in our earlier studies. Potential cytotoxicity of silver containing layers in correlation with their antimicrobial properties will be tested.


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