ECSR Summer School: Integrating Sociological Theory and Research in Europe (ISTARE)


August 25 – 30, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic


Main theme:

"Quality and Inequality in Education: Theory, Research, and Policy"


Other relevant themes:


Trends in class and status mobility, processes of social stratification and intergenerational reproduction of inequality, poverty and social exclusion, social networks and social capital, labour markets, and the role of family. We are particularly interested in research incorporating cross-national comparative studies.


The summer school will be followed by the ECSR Conference on "European Comparative Studies" in Prague, September 1-2, 2006 (for details see and


The ECSR Summer School “Integrating Sociological Theory and Research in Europe” is organized on behalf of the European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) and provides intensive, rigorous and systematic graduate training to young researchers from all European (and exceptionally also non-European) countries.


The Summer School combines two elements of teaching and learning opportunities: (1) a set of lectures and seminars by eminent sociological practitioners, and (2) a set of workshops devoted to more in-depth analysis of specific issues, where participants’ own work can be discussed alongside that of the established sociologists. In this way, the Summer School seeks to combine traditional teaching methods with the opportunity for young researchers to receive direct, practical guidance.


Organized annually by the ECSR network member institutions, the Summer School contributes to the creation of a network of excellence of research centers in Europe and helps researchers to get acquainted with each other and with the research facilities in various European countries.




Period: from Friday, August 25 to Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Organizing Institutions:


Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (  


and the 


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague (



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