



Prof. Eva Syková, MD, DSc, FCMA

Prof. Eva Syková, MD, DSc, FCMA

Vice Director:
Assoc. Prof. Alexandr Chvátal, DSc, MBA

Chairman of the Board of the Institute:
Prof. Eva Syková, MD, DSc, FCMA

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Petr Ráb, MSc, DSc

Address and Contact


Institute of Experimental Medicine

AS CR, v. v. i.
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Prague 4-Krč
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 241 062 230
Fax: +420 241 062 782
E-mail: uemavcr@biomed.cas.cz
Website: http://www.iem.cas.cz


People Contacts >>

Development of Research Teams of IEM AS CR for the BIOCEV

The project „Development of Research Teams of IEM AS CR for the BIOCEV“ is financed by the European Social Fund through the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme administered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Duration : 2012-2015

The project aims to create with the assistence of three newly employed PhD students, their mentors and a team of involved undergraduate students two research groups for the project Biomedical and Biotechnology Centre of the ASCR and Charles University in Vestec (BIOCEV). The first group (2 teams) is focused on research in stem cells and biomaterials in cell therapy and tissue engineering, the second (1 team) is focused on research of auditory function in mutant mice.



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6 Mar 2012



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