The activities of the Chemical Service Laboratories can be separated into five basic areas:
Distillation of solvents
Purification of solvents (for example preparation of HPLC solvents or dry solvents)
Regeneration of solvents
Bulk synthesis
Collection and disposal of waste solvents
Distillation of solvents
In 2008, nearly 10 tons of solvents was distilled.
Purification of solvents
Main products are dry and high pure dichloromethane, which has been prepared 650 L and HPLC methanol, which has been prepared 1000 L.
Regeneration of solvents
The reason for regeneration of solvents is ecological rather than economic. That is why mainly chloroform is regenerated. In 2008, 2 tons of chloroform by regeneration was obtained.
Bulk synthesis
This synthesis is performed usually in hundreds of grams. The compounds prepared are either expensive or commercially not available. In 2008, a new chemical reactor, MiniPilot 10 equipped with a 10 L reaction vessel and thermostat (Julabo Presto LH50) was purchased for performing bulk synthesis.
Collection and disposal of waste solvents
Nearly 14 tons of waste solvents was collected in 2008 and transferred to specialized form for disposal.