
Academic bulletin


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The research project focuses on philosophical problems in the interpretation of communicative acts and extracommunicative actions and on their interrelationships, i.e., on substantial associations between the identification of meanings of utterances and ascribing intentions and conviction to acting subjects. A special topic is the relationship between the interpretation of literary texts and the interpretation of utterances in so-called everyday communication, and specific problems of literary interpretation, such as connections between the identification of a text and a literary work or the role of intentions of an empirical author and the socio-cultural context in the identification of a literary work. In addition, within the framework of this project, international Prague interpretation colloquia are organised annually to provide an opportunity for discussions between philosophers of language, aestethicians and literary critics on general problems of the theory of interpretation. The publication results of the project are the international proceedings entitled Text a dílo: případ Menard (Text and Work: The Menard case) (eds. Karel Císař and Petr Koťátko, Praha 2004) and the monograph of P. Koťátko, Interpretace a subjektivita (Intrepretation and Subjectivity) (Filosofia, Praha 2006).


Doc. PhDr. Petr Koťátko, CSc.
e-mail: kotatko@cesnet.cz
Institute of Philosophy of the ASCR, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1


The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - III. Humanities and Social Sciences


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