History of the Research Projects

Behaviour of multiphase systems under super-ambient conditions
(2002-2006, J. Drahoš, I. Wichterle, supported by EU, 5FR, RTD BEMUSAC-NAS2 Ref. G1MA-CT-2002-04019)
State behaviour and phase equilibria in fluid systems
(2003-2005, I. Wichterle, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA104/03/1555)
Phase equilibria in reacting systems
(2003-2005, I. Wichterle, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA203/03/1588)
Theory and molecular simulation of electric double-layer at solid-liquid surface
(2003-2005, M. Předota, supported by GA CR, grant No. GP203/03/P083)
Prediction of solubility for large molecules in solvents by parallelized molecular simulation method
(2003-2005, M. Lísal, supported by GA AS CR, grant No. IAA4072309)
Description of thermodynamic behaviour of fluid systems at superambient conditions based on molecular models
(2003-2005, M. Lísal, supported by GA AS CR, grant No. IAA4072309)
General equations of state of fluids from molecular principles and their application to thermophysical properties of fluid mixtures
(2003-2006, I. Nezbeda, supported by GA AS CR, grant No. IAA4072303)
Application of advanced simulation methods for studying the structure, physico-chemical properties, and preparation of composites and nanomaterials
(2004-2008, I. Nezbeda, supported by AS CR, project No. 1ET400720409)
State behaviour of liquids and liquid mixtures
(2005, J. Linek, supported by ICPF)
Phase equilibria of complex fluid systems by means of fully parallelized Monte Carlo simulations
(2005, I. Nezbeda, supported by AS CR, based on AS CR – CNRS agreement)
Intermolecular interactions and associated phase diagrams of binary fluid mixtures
(2005-2006, I. Nezbeda, supported by the Ministry of Education CR, project Kontakt No. 2005-14)
Molecular-level simulations of chemically-reacting fluids in nanoporous materials
(2005-2007, M. Lísal, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA203/05/0725)
Molecular simulations at extreme experimental conditions: Application of advanced methods to geochemistry
(2005-2009, M. Lísal, supported by AS CR, project No. 1ET400720507)
Phase and chemical equilibria in systems of liquids and gases
(2006, I. Wichterle, supported by ICPF)
Supercritical phase equilibria and p-V-T behaviour
(2006-2008, M. Bendová, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA104/06/P066)
P-V-T behaviour of liquid mixtures modelling engine fuels – experimental determination, correlation and prediction
(2006-2008, J. Linek, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA104/06/0656)
Design of “tailor made” multifunctional organic materials for intended applications, considering molecular modelling of structure property relationship, experimentation and processing (MULTIPRO)
(2007-2009, M. Lísal, supported by FP6 RTD EU, project No. NMP3-CT-2006-033304)
Thermodynamic properties of gas-liquid systems
(2007-2009, I. Wichterle, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA104/07/0444)
Novel technology of preparation of molecularly imprinted polymeric materials
(2008-2009, I. Wichterle, supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of Croatia, project No. MZOS-RH 061-0-3029)
Phase equilibria for the proposals of energetic effective separative processes
(2010, I. Wichterle, supported by ICPF)