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Abicko  > 2012  > March


 150th Anniversary of the Union of Czech
Mathematicians and Physicists   

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Photo: Stanislava Kyselová, Academic bulletin
The Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists – one of the oldest learned societies in Czech lands existing to this day – celebrated 150th anniversary of the foundation. By the occasion of this important anniversary, the Union organized on March 28, 2012 at Karolinum, the seat of the Charles University, the festive ceremony, which was attended by outstanding personalities headed by the President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus. According to him the prestige of mathematics has declined: “The declining prestige of mathematics is linked to the decline in educational standards, caused by the opening of a massive chance for students to gain university diplomas in dubious study branches that do not include mathematics.”

From the very beginning, the goal of the Union was improvement of teaching physics and mathematics at schools on all levels and of all types and further support and promote the development of those sciences. As a consequence of patriotic efforts, the Association was enlarged in 1869 into the Union of Czech mathematicians and physicists. Members of the Union were largely teachers at high schools and post-secondary learning institutes, and further professors at universities and scientists. The Union began its existence on March 28, 1862 when the Society for Open Lectures in Mathematics and Physics in Prague was founded. Initially it was a student Society for students at the Charles University of Prague, but university teachers quickly supported the Society. In early 1950s, the Union had to transfer its property to the newly established Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAV) and it became a learned society affiliated with CSAV. The mathematical part of its library became the basis of the library of the Mathematical Institute of CSAV, where it is still now. Nowadays, the Union has more than about 2000 members, half of whom are high-school teachers. The Union itself or in collaboration with universities and research institutes organizes national as well as international conferences, symposia, seminars, and Summer or Winter schools. The Union follows teaching of mathematics and physics and proposes improvements. The Union fosters talented students and participates in the organization of the Mathematical and Olympiad as well as in other student competitions.


4 Apr 2012 Experimental observation of the optical spin transfer torque

The journal Nature Physics published the discovery of scientists from the joint Laboratory of Opto-Spintronics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

  28 Mar 2012 EURAXESS Czech Republic helps foreign scientists

The Centre of Administration and Operations of the ASCR and EURAXESS Czech Republic held the press conference on March 26, 2012 to present the initiative, which helps European and Non-European researchers as they move about in Europe and support scientific organizations in their search for a research talent. EURAXESS provides a unique access point to information across all countries including network of centers offering personalized assistance to researcher’s moving to another country.

  26 Mar 2012 The call for the European Young Researchers' Award 2012

The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) is granted every year to researchers demonstrating outstanding research performance. At the same time, the award aims to inspire early stage researchers and experienced researchers to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. The deadline for sending in your application is 19 April 2012.

  23 Mar 2012 Cool Math


The Institute for Social and Economic Analyses (ISEA) launched a project called Cool Math. The goal of the project is threefold: to increase awareness of society about the emerging problem of deteriorating results of Czech students in mathematics; to identify good practices in teaching math that increase both math skills and popularity of math among pupils; and to convey information about such practices to other teachers.

  23 Mar 2012 Jiří Homola promoted to SPIE Fellow

Jiří Homola is a leading researcher in the area of optical biosensors and, in particular, biosensors based on surface plasmons. His expertise is multidisciplinary spanning the theoretical and experimental investigation of photonic/plasmonic nanostructures, design and development of novel optical sensor platforms, development of methods for interfacing optical sensor platforms with biological and artificial receptors, and development of detection methodologies for specific bioanalytical applications.

  22 Mar 2012 European project EPOS in Prague

The Institute of Geophysics organized the Regional Conference of the European project EPOS that took place from 19 to 21 March, 2012 in the Hotel Globus in Prague. The conference was opened by Jan Zedník and the director of the institute Pavel Hejda who is a Co-chairman of one of the eight working groups. CzechGeo/EPOS which is the system of geophysical observatations performed by geoscience institutions of the Czech Republic is financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The representative of the Ministry of Education Petr Ventluka also participated in the conference.

  21 Mar 2012 Conference on the importance of Václav Havel to contemporary history

Václav Havel as a publically involved intellectual was the subject of a working conference, which was held by the Institute for Contemporary History of the ASCR on March 19, 2012 at the Headquarters of the ASCR in Prague. According to the director of the Institute of the Contemporary Oldřich Tůma two reasons led to the organization of this one-day event– the motif of the symbolic farewell to Václav Havel and venerating his memory and an attempt for an examination and discussion on Havel’s impact as publically involved personality meant for Czech society and its history.

  20 Mar 2012 Travel grants for young researchers to attend ESOF 2012

Various organizations, including the Swiss Embassy in Ireland, the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) offer travel grants to help young researchers who wish to attend ESOF2012. The ESOF2012 event to be held in Dublin, 11-15 July 2012 will bring together over 5,000 scientists; business leaders; senior EU and government officials; and international scientific media to discuss the best of European science and to address all of the current major global scientific challenges, including Energy, Climate Change, Food and Health. Themes include Food Security to The Life and Death of the Universe.

  19 Mar 2012 The Scientific Cooperation with the National Council of Science and Technology of the United Mexican States

mexiko_perex.jpgThe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and The National Council of Science and Technology of the United Mexican States (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Technología – CONACYT) signed an agreement on March 14, 2012 on scientific cooperation to promote, develop and strenghten the relationship and also support activities related to the exchange of scientific and technical information and experience between both countries. Under this Agreement, specific programs of cooperation will be carried out in various areas of mutual interest within the development of activities and cooperation. The collaboration will be established in areas of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences; Life and Chemical Sciences; Humanities and the Social Sciences.


  16 Mar 2012 Prague Nobel Get-Together

nobel_invitation.jpgThe Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the AS CR, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Israeli Embassy in Prague invite you to participate at the Prague Nobel Get-Together which will be held in Prague on May 30-31, 2012. This meeting represents a unique opportunity, especially for students and young scientists, to meet highly distinguished international scholars and discuss their ideas and projects directly with the most knowledgeable experts in the fields of biological chemistry, structural biology and material sciences. The program consists of four sessions focused on the life and death of proteins (structural biology of protein synthesis and protein degradation pathways) and on the use of material science for medicine and biology. Keynote lectures will be complemented by shorter talks by invited speakers and a poster section.

  14 Mar 2012 EPOS PP Regional Conference 2012

The EPOS Preparatory Phase (PP) project regularly organizes regional conferences to promote the research infrastructure and, specifically, involve and exchange experience among regional stakeholders. The first regional conference will be focused on the Central European area and will be held in Prague.

  2 Mar 2012 The European Research Council marks 5 years of funding to over 2,500 top researchers

erc_logo.jpgThe European Research Council, which funds outstanding researchers throughout Europe, is 29 February 2012 turning five. To celebrate this milestone, the ERC is organising a two-day event starting today in Brussels with first-class research personalities from around the world. The event “5 Years of Excellent IDEAS” will chart the ERC's achievements to date; it will allow participants to share their thoughts on excellence and "brain circulation" in the global scientific landscape and will deem how crucial frontier research is for Europe's growth and competitiveness.

  24 Feb 2012 Cooperation between the AS CR and the Czech Radio Broadcast

A reciprocal cooperation between the AS CR and the Czech Radio Broadcast was confirmed on 19. January 2012 by signing of the Memorandum. At the occasion of this ceremonial act Jiří Drahoš, the president of AS CR met in his office with the director of the Czech Radio Broadcast Petr Duhan and other guests.

  23 Jan 2012 The Academy of Sciences opened the New Year with Magic Flute

The Academy of Science of the Czech Republic together with National theatre organized on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 a new years performance in Estates Theatre in Prague. On this gala occasion which has become already a tradition met the representatives of the academia, politics, Church and other honorary guests. The chosen performance for this year was an imaginative opera Magic Flute by Mozart in which fairy-tale and comic elements meld with sage philosophy and symbolism of the mysterious Masonic order.

  5 Jan 2012 Open Position – Junior Research Team Leader

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i. invites applications for the position of junior team leaders in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.

  4 Jan 2012 Seminar – Particle Physics in Transition

Institute of Physics ASCR invites you to a seminar Particle Physics in Transition by prof. Max Klein of the University of Liverpool on January 11th, 2012 at 15:00.

  18 Dec 2011 Czech President Václav Havel passed away

havel_02_perex.jpgFormer Czech and Czechoslovakia president Václav Havel died at 75 at his country home in Hradeček, north of Prague. Václav Havel’s last public appearance was on December 10, 2011 when he met with his close friend Dalai Lama and signed an appeal in support of dissidents around the world. Václav Havel first came to international fame as a dissident playwright in the 1970s through his involvement with the human rights manifesto Charter 77. He was prosecuted for his stances and spent almost five years in prison; his prison stay contributed to his later health problems. He became the first post-communist Czechoslovak president in late 1989. In 1993–2003 he was the first president of the independent Czech Republic. The Czech cabinet is to meet for a special session on Monday to consider a date of a National Day of Mourning.

  12 Dec 2011 Junior Ambassadors of Science and Technology

Six Czech students were recognized as Junior Ambassadors for their achievements in science and technology at the Academy of Sciences on December 12, 2011. Five boys and one girl were chosen under the Junior Ambassadors of Science and Technology pilot program launched in July 2011 by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the U.S. Embassy in Prague and American companies operating in the Czech Republic.

  19 Oct 2011 Europa Nostra Award for Tomáš Durdík

The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards celebrate excellence in cultural heritage conservation, ranging from the restoration of buildings and their adaptation to new uses, to urban and rural landscape rehabilitation, archaeological site interpretations, and care for art collections. Moreover, it highlights research, dedicated service to heritage conservation by individuals or organisations and education projects related to cultural heritage. The awards are supported by the European Commission in the framework of the Culture Programme. Europa Nostra is in charge of organising the selection and the award ceremony.

  15 Sep 2011 World-leading scientists will shed new light on climate

World-leading climate scientists gather in Germany 18-23 September 2011 to present new research on how Earth’s land areas – forests, soils, permanently frozen regions, deserts, croplands and pastures – affect the global climate.


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