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Czech National Committee for the Properties of Water and Steam (CZ NC PWS)


CZ NC PWS, Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i.
Dolejskova 5, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Fax: +420 2 8658 4695 E-mail: sifner@it.cas.cz

Board of CZ NC PWS for the period 2006-2009:

Deputy: Ing. Jan Hrubý, CSc. IT AS CR, v.v.i., Prague hruby@it.cas.cz
Deputy-Head: Assoc. Prof. Josef Šedlbauer TU Liberec josef.sedlbauer@tul.cz
Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Ing. Pavel Šafařík, CSc. CTU Prague secr.czncpws@it.cas.cz
Members: Ing. Tomáš Němec, Ph.D. IT AS CR, v.v.i. nemec@it.cas.cz
  Ing. Ivo Jiříček, CSc. (od r. 2007) ICT Prague ivo.jiricek@vscht.cz
  Prof. Ing. Radim Mareš, CSc. University of West Bohemia, Pilsen maresr@kke.zcu.cz

Brief history

The international cooperation in the research and standardization of thermophysical properties of water and steam originated practically in 1929. In this year the scientists and engineers engaged in power engineering from England, Germany, USA and Czechoslovakia met at the 1st International Conference on Steam Tables in London, to remove the discrepancies in the steam data from the beginning of the 20th century.

In Czechoslovakia, the research into thermophysical properties started in 1923 when the Masaryk´s Academy of Labor agreed upon the project dealing with the measurement of thermophysical properties of steam. The leading personalities were Professors J. Havliček, L. Miškovský, and later on their assistant J. Jůza.

After the 2nd World War, in 1956, the research into the properties of fluids was resumed in the Institute of Thermomechanics (IT CSAV) of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Under the leadership of Prof. Jůza started the systematic calculations in connection with the development of a wide-range equation of state based on experimental data, and later on also experimental works in high-pressure region within the frame of the State Plan of Research. With Prof. Jůza co-operated a small working team composed from workers of IT CSAV and Technical University of Plzeň. By the end of 1990 the State Plan of Research was finished and substituted with the grant system. At that time it was contemplated to establish the National Committee on the Properties of Steam, to substitute the agreement from 1972 on which the cooperation with IAPWS was authorized by the collective membership of the Institute of Thermomechasnics by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that time. The Czech National Committee was established in 1994 under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It made possible to include other Czech Institutions and their workers into the cooperation with IAPWS.


WG Thermophysical Properties of Water and Steam
Dr. Jan Hrubý
Prof. Radim Mareš
Dr. Jaroslav Pátek
Dr. Oldřich Šifner
Dr. Jana Kalová
Dr. Václav Vinš

WG Industrial Requirements and Solutions (former WG Industrial Calculations)
Prof. Radim Mareš
Ing. Ivan Kodl
Mr. Adam Nový

WG Physical Chemistry of Aqueous Systems
Dr. Ivo Jiříček
Prof. František Maršík
Dr. Milan Sedlář
Assoc. Prof. Josef Šedlbauer
Dr. Tomáš Němec

WG Power Cycle Chemistry
RNDr. Pavel Sajdl
Prof. Miroslav Šťastný

SCSW Subcommittee for Seawater
Dr. Jan Hrubý

IAPS/IAPWS Events held in the Czech Republic, formerly Czechoslovakia

1965 First Meeting of the IFC in Prague
1967 Short Meeting of IFC dealing with the Master formulation
1981 Annual IAPS Meeting
1989 11th ICPS
2000 Annual IAPWS Meeting
2011 Annual IAPWS Meeting

Activities of the CZ NC PWS

  • Organizes and carries out through its own members, in accord with the recommendations of IAPWS and needs of national economy, experimental research, critical evaluation of experimental data, and analytical description of properties of water, steam and aqueous solutions, is engaged in research of condensation and power plant chemistry, corrosion, fatigue and lifetime of materials under the influence of chemical admixtures in classical and nuclear power plants
  • Informs Czech and on request the Slovak technical public about the activity of the IAPWS and about gained knowledge
  • Introduces in the national practice internationally accepted computational documents of IAPWS, which are a binding international standards in power engineering and other industrial applications
  • Publishes, within possibilities, the translations of important releases of IAPWS
  • Carries out, in limited extend, consultation services.

IAPWS Honorary Fellows from CR

Prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Jůza 1981
Dr. Oldřich Šifner 2001
Prof. Ing. Radim Mareš, CSc. 2011


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