Education |
1966-1972 |
Ph.D. (CSc.) in organic chemistry, under Dr. K.Bláha at Department of Natural Products, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1961-1968 |
M.Sc. (RNDr.) in organic chemistry, under Prof. A. Vystrčil at Department of OrganicChemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University, Prague.
Experience |
1990-1991 |
Research fellow with Prof. F.A.M. Borremans, Biomolecular NMR Unit, University Gent, Belgium.
1978-1979 |
Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. M.J.O.Anteunis, State University in Gent, Belgium.
Appointments |
since 2012 |
Senior scientist, NMR laboratory, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry v.v.i., AS CR, Prague. |
2007-2011 |
Head of NMR Research-Service Team, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry v.v.i., AS CR, Prague. |
2003-2006 |
Head of Department of Organic Structure analysis, Institute of Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry, AS CR, Prague. |
1981-1991 |
Head of Central NMR laboratory of chemical institutes of AS CR, Prague. |
since 1981 |
Head of Department of NMR Spectroscopy, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, AS CR, Prague. |
1972-1981 |
Research scientist and senior scientist, Department of NMR Spectroscopy, Institute of Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry, AS CR, Prague. |
Awards |
1986 |
National prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. |
1987 |
Joint prize of Polish and Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. |
Membership |
Czech Chemical Society; Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society. |
Research interest |
NMR spectroscopy, structure and conformational analysis of organic compounds (peptides and proteins, nucleotides, saccharides,
terpenoids, alkaloids), molecular modeling, theoretical calculations of NMR parameters. |