Soudek P., Valenová Š., Benešová D., Vaněk T.
Marmiroli N., Samotokin B., Marmiroli M. (eds.), NATO Science series, Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences - Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents
Phytoremediation is widely viewed as an environmentally sound alternative to the destructive physical remediation methods currently practised. Plants have many endogenous genetic, biochemical, and physiological properties which make them ideal agents for soil and water remediation. Significant progress has been made in recent years in developing native or genetically modified plants for the remediation of contaminated environments. Because elements are chemically stable, phytoremediation strategies for radionuclide and heavy metal pollutants focus on above-ground hyper-accumulation. Soil contaminated with radionuclides pose a long-term radiation hazard to human health through exposure mainly via the food chain.
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IEB authors: Dagmar Benešová,
Šárka Petrová,
Petr Soudek,
Tomáš Vaněk