Technology Centre ASCR

The Technology Centre ASCR supports the participation of the Czech Republic in the European Research Area, prepares analytical and conceptual studies for research and development, performs international technology transfers and supports the creation and development of small innovation businesses.


02. 05. 2012

The workshop on KTT (Knowledge and Technology transfer) was held in Brussels »

An international workshop under the title „Knowledge and Technology transfer – What is going on at practical level“ was organized by the Czech Liaison Office for Research and… read more »

27. 04. 2012

The First National PACITA Workshop took place in TC ASCR »

On April 16, 2012 the First National Workshop of the PACITA („Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment“) project represented in the Czech Republic by the Technology… read more »

17. 02. 2012

TC hosted the session of Planning Committee for two European Conferences on Technology Assessment »

On February 15, 2012, the first joint session of the Planning Committee for two European Conferences on Technology Assessment took place in the Technology Centre ASCR premises in Prague,… read more »

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