

Akademický bulletin

Vedení ústavu

prof. MUDr.Eva Syková, DrSc.,FCMA


Zástupce ředitelky:
doc. RNDr. Alexandr Chvátal, DrSc., MBA

Předsedkyně Rady instituce:
prof. MUDr. Eva Syková, DrSc.,FCMA

Předseda Dozorčí rady:
prof. Ing. Petr Ráb, DrSc.


Adresa a kontakt:


Ústav experimentální medicíny
Akademie věd AV ČR, v.v.i.
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Praha 4-Krč
Česká republika
Telefon: +420 241 062 230
Fax: +420 241 062 782
Webové stránky: www.iem.cas.cz, www.uem.cas.cz




Kalendář událostí

Dnes < 2012 >  < květen > 
Po Út St Čt So Ne
  1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31      

Development of Research Teams of IEM AS CR for the BIOCEV

The project „Development of Research Teams of IEM AS CR for the BIOCEV“ is financed by the European Social Fund through the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme administered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Duration : 2012-2015


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Development of Business Environment in the Field of Advanced Therapy Clinical Trials

The project „Development of Business Environment in the Field of Advanced Therapy Clinical Trials“ is financed by the European Social Fund through the Prague Adapatability Operational Programme and the State Budget of the Czech Republic and City of Prague. Duration: 2012-2014 



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Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague have joined forces to develop a European Centre of Excellence in the field of life sciences. By 2015, when fully operational, the BIOCEV centre will offer state-of-the-art core facilities, contractual research, education and training programmes for students and business specialists and over 400 employment opportunities for scientists from all over the world. All of its five research programmes are being developed by the most prominent scientists from the Czech Republic and abroad. Duration 2010-2014



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Human Resources for Neurosciences in the Hradec Kralove and Usti Regions: Development of Research Teams

The project „Human Resources for Neurosciences in the Hradec Kralove and Usti Regionsis financed by the European Social Fund through the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme administered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Due to the lack of resources, the project is still on the reserve list. Duration: 2012-2015



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Research Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair

The project „Research Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair“ is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Prague Competitiveness Operational Programme and the State Budget of the Czech Republic. Duration: 2011-2012

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