MEREDIT - Neutronový přáškový difraktometr

MEREDITNeutronový práškový difraktometr MEREDIT (MEdiumREsolution neutron powder DIffracTometer - neutronový práškový difraktometr se středním rozlišením) byl předán do provozu na konci roku 2008. Je umístěn na horizontálním kanálu číslo 6 v provozní hale výzkumného reaktoru LVR15 (lehko vodní reaktor) v Řeži u Prahy.

Tento instrument je hlavně určen ke studiu  krystalové a/nebo magnetické struktury práškových a polykrystakických vzorků. Díky několika rozšířením, mezi něž patří vakuová pec, kryostat, Eulerův goniometr, deformační troj, atd. ,je tento instrument univerzálním nástrojem pro výzkumníky, jež chtějí výužít výhod neutronové difrakce.

  • Instrument description

    The instrument MEREDIT starts to operate for researchers at the beginning of the year 2009. The essential part of the diffractometer - a multi-detector bank - comes from the decommissioned research reactor in Studtsvik in Sweden.

  • Secondary neutron beams and profile parameters


    Adjustable lift system is used to hold the monochromators. There are three positions available in the lift. One slot is still empty and will be used in the future. Two other slots are occupied with:


  • Sample environments

    To enhance the possibility to measure the samples at different conditions there are several sample environments available for practical use. For temperature dependent studies can be performed between 10 up to 1300K using close cycle cryostat and vacuum or light furnace. For multiple samples measurement at room temperature there is automatically exchangeable carousel for up to 6 samples. For mechanical testing there is a deformation rig able to produce tensile/pressure load up to 20 kN. For texture measurements there is a Euler goniometer available.

  • Apply for the beam time

    By the decision of our administration all the external user from April 2012 need to ask for the beam time via proposals.

    We are currently building a web based proposal system. However, it is not finalized yet and, therefore, please send the filled proposal PDF form to the adress

    The proposals are evaluated by our international Scientific selection panel and, when accepted, a corresponding beamtime is ascribed to the proposal. Unlike the other similar laboratories in Europe, we evaluate the proposals on a continuous basis (which means that the beamtime allocation is in reasonably short time for the successful proposals).

    Other important information about the Access program and the financial support in NMI3 project can be found here.

    Concerning the technical questions during writing the proposal, I suggest to ask ditrectly the MEREDIT instrument responsible Přemysl Beran (

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