Black hole accretion in Alps 2011

August 6 – 13


M. Bursa (Prague), P. Greskovic (Prague), P. Hadrava (Prague), J. Horak (Prague), V. Karas (Prague), D. Kunneriath (Prague), T. Pechacek (Prague), P. Schneider (Bonn), P. Subr (Prague), M. Valencia (Cologne)

Scientific program

We will save most of time for discussions and work on subjects connected with current research projects of the group members:
  • Estimating black-hole spins from spectral continuum and Fe florescence
  • Hydrodynamical modelling of HMXRB winds
  • Star dynamics in galaxy cores
  • Turbulence in accretion flow
  • Polarization of Sgr A* radiation and X-ray polarization in general


Ginzling (Austria)
