
Ing. Milan Chlada, Ph.D.

Phone +420 266 053 144 E-mail Room M3201 Department D4 - Impact and Waves in Solids Research area acoustic emission signal analysis, artificial neural networks, statistical analysis, fuzzy logic
Curriculum vitae
M.Sc. degree (1999) at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Dept. of Mathematics (Diploma work on "Recognition of AE sources by Fuzzy-Neural System)
PhD. Student (supervisor Z.Převorovský) at the Department of Mathematics, FNSPE CTU (since 1999), employed in the Intsitute of Thermomechanics AS CR (since 1998).
View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
Chlada M., Prevorovsky Z.: Treshold Counting in Wawelet Domain. (Journal of Acoustic Emission, 20 (1), ISSN 0730-0050, 134 - 144, 2002)

Prevorovsky Z., Chlada M., Vodicka J.: Inverse Problem Solution in Acoustic Emission Source Analysis - Classical and Artificial Neural Network Approach. (in: P.P. Delsanto, ed.: "Universality of Nonclassical Nonlinearity with applications NDE and Ultrasonics", SPRINGER - Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA, 2007, ISBN‑10: 0387‑33860‑8, chapter 32)

Chlada M., Prevorovsky Z.: AE Source Recognition by Neural Networks with Optimized Signal Parameters. (28th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing "EWGAE - Kraków 2008", Kraków, September 17‑19, 2008, Proc. ed. by K. Ono, ISBN 978‑83‑7242‑478‑5, pp. 250‑255)

Chlada M.: Acoustic Emission Signal Processing by Means of Artificial Neural Networks. (PhD thesis, the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), 2008)
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