Name: Electron and ion emission from point contacts on solids
Sponsor: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Principal investigator: Zdeněk Šroubek, DSc.
From: 2004-01-01
To: 2007-12-31

Electron, ion and photoemission from solids with a high dielectric constant (many of them are ferroelectrics) has been intensively investigated in last years in view of a possible application as efficient cold cathodes. The mechanism of emission has not been fully clarified yet and there are several processes which may be relevant. From the physical point of view the most interesting and less explored is the Coulomb explosion mechanism. Very probably the negative ion emission, for the first time observed by the investigator (6), is of this origin. It was the purpose of this project to investigate in detail the electron and ion emission using a well defined metal contact with the radius below 1 micrometer, using ultrashort (subns) unipolar or bipolar voltage pulses for the excitation of emission and the time-of-flight spectrometer for the time and mass analysis of emitted particles with a high resolution. Computer simulation of the emission dynamics will complement the experiments.