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High-resolution CONTINENTal paleoclimate record in the Lake Baikal: A key-site for Eurasian teleconnections to the North Atlantic Ocean and monsoonal system Climatic and human impacts on the intensity and frequency of Late Holocene flood events - case study of the Morava River flood deposits (Czech Republic)

The climatic changes have become a hot topic in the last years. Climatic proxy records spanning the youngest periods of geological history help us to better understand the present behavior of the climate. The international CONTINENT Project is dealing with paleoclimatic reconstructions during last 130 ka. The aim of this project is a multidisciplinary study of the lake sediments deposited in the Lake Baikal. The paleomagnetic record, which is measured in the lake sediments, enables to develop age models for the studied sedimentary sequences. Magnetic mineral concentration and grain size variations reflect paleoenvironmental conditions (e.g. vegetation density or erosion rate) in the sediment source areas. We are able to reconstruct millennial climatic oscillation based on obtained data.
The environmental magnetic methods represent a helpful tool for reconstruction of river system behavior. Magnetic mineral variations studied in the Holocene Morava River flood deposits document an increasing human impact (forest clearance and accelerated agriculture activities) during the last millennium.

continent    continent


Ing. Petr Pruner, DrSc.
phone: 272 690 115
e-mail: pruner@gli.cas.cz

RNDr. Jaroslav Kadlec, Dr.
(environmentální magnetismus)
phone: 272 690 115
e-mail: kadlec@gli.cas.cz


The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - I. Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences


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