Šafr, J., M. Sedláčková 2011. Sociální kapitál a legitimita demokracie v ČR. Pp. 98-103 in Demokracie jako hodnota a problém. Sborník z konference Demokracie jako hodnota a problém, konané v Liberci 22. 10. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci.


Keywords: social capital, legitimacy, democracy

The paper treats the relation between legitimacy of democracy and social capital. Analysis of the ISSP 2004 survey shows that in the Czech Republic the affective legitimacy of democracy is primarily influenced by political culture in its vertical dimension and trust in institutions. As for the horizontal dimension of political culture we can find only impact of cultural part of social capital, tolerance and social trust, whereas the civic participation has no effect to attitudes to democracy.

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