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RNDr. Jan Hlína, CSc.

Phone +420 266 053 512 E-mail hlina@it.cas.cz Room M2610 Department D7 - Electrophysics Position head of department Research area Optical diagnostics of turbulence and nonstationary phenomena in thermal plasma.
Curriculum vitae
Education and employment
1967    graduation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague with specialization in electronics and vacuum physics
1968    becoming a research worker in the Research Institute of Vacuum Electronics of the TESLA works, dealing with research of CO2 lasers including the problems of optical measurements of the output power
1976    joining the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Czechoslovak Academy of  Sciences, dealing with spectroscopic diagnostics of both the stationary and nonstationary arc discharges, experimental investigations of the arc oscillations in external magnetic field and studies of the energy balance in an interrupted arc
1986    defence of the CSc. (PhD) thesis " The energy balance and temporal temperature development in a decaying arc discharge"
2002    appointed a head of Electrophysics Department (since 2006 a part of Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR)

Principal investigator or co-investigator of 9 research projects financed by Czech Science Foundation, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education since 1997.

Membership in committees and boards
Member of expert committees of the Grant Agency of the Academy Sciences  (mathematics and physics, 1994-1997) and Czech Science Foundation (physics, 2000-2005).
Member of scientific boards of the Institute of Electrical Engineering (2000-2005), Institute of Thermomechanics (2005-2006) and Institute of Plasma Physics (2000-2002).
Member of Institute Board in Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR (since 2007).

View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
J. Hlína, J. Šonský,  V. Něnička and A. Zachar: Statistics of turbulent structures in a thermal plasma jet, J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 38, pp. 1760-1768 (2005).

J. Hlína, J. Gruber, J. Šonský: Application of a CCD camera to investigations of oscillations in a thermal plasma jet, Meas. Sci. Technol. 17, 918-922 (2006).

F. Chvála, J. Hlína: Numerical aspects of evaluating the radial distribution of radiation intensity in plasma jets, Czech. J. Phys. 56, Suppl. B, B761-B766 (2006).

J. Hlína, F. Chvála: On application of inverse Radon transform for diagnostics of asymmetric plasmatic radiation sources, Acta Technica CSAV 51, 317-325 (2006).

J. Hlína, J. Šonský, J. Šlechta: Application of CCD cameras in investigations of mixing on boundaries of a thermal plasma jet, Plas. Sci. Technol. 9, 743-746 (2007).

J. Hlína, F. Chvála, J. Šonský, J. Gruber: Multi-directional optical diagnostics of thermal plasma jets, Meas. Sci. Technol.  19 (2008) 015407.

J. Hlína, Z. Sekerešová, J. Šonský: Spatial Dynamics of Coherent Structures in a Thermal Plasma Jet, IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci. 36 (2008), 1066-1067.

M.E. Rouffet, Y. Cressault, A. Gleizes, J. Hlína: Thermal plasma diagnostic methods based on the analysis of large spectral regions of plasma radiation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125204.

J. Hlína, J. Šonský: Time-resolved tomographic measurements of temperatures in a thermal plasma jet, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010) 055202.

J. Hlína, J. Šonský, J. Gruber and Z. Sekerešová: Two-Dimensional Complex FFT Analysis of Oscillations in a Thermal Plasma Jet, IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci. 39 (2011), 2848-2849

2006-2006 LA 283International Committee Gas Discharges and their Application
2005-2007 GA202/05/0728Development of new methods for diagnostics of dynamics and physical parameters in thermal plasma jets
Member of the Branch council for the doctoral study of plasma physics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
Supervisor of a few diploma works and doctoral thesis dealing with diagnostics of nonlinear phenomena in records of nonstationary thermal plasma radiation.

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