
Name Schröder Detlef
Position Head of the Team
Dr. Detlef Schröder

Dr.habil. Detlef Schröder

Head of the Team

Spectrometry and Physical organic chemistry
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 463
Mobil: (+420) 731 193 977


2007 Habilitation for "Organische Chemie", TU Berlin, Germany.
1988-1989 Dissertation with Prof. Dr. H. Schwarz, TU Berlin, Germany ("mit Auszeichnung").
1988-1989 Diploma thesis with Prof. Dr. H. Schwarz, TU Berlin, Germany ("sehr gut").
1983-1989 Study of chemistry at the TU Berlin, Germany (Diploma, "sehr gut").
Since 2011 Distinguished Chair of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB), Prague
2011 Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Since 2007

Group Leader for Spectroscopy and Physical Organic Chemistry at the IOCB, Prague, Czech Republic.

Application for various grants (CNR, ERC, EU commission, GAAV, GACR, RSC). Participation in national and international boards of science evaluation (incl. presidency). Referee for scientific journals, "Supreme Reviewer" for JACS and Angewandte Chemie. Grant reviews for AERES, ANR, CNRS, DFG, ERC, NSF, PSF, RCN, SNF, US Navy.

Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

External PhD examiner in Berlin (Germany), Orsay (France), Paris (France), Rome (Italy), and at the Chemical Institute of Technology in Prague (Czech Republic).

2006 Senior Scientist at the IOCB, Prague, Czech Republic.
2000-2006 2nd Speaker of the SFB 546 "Aggregated Transition-metal Oxides".

Scientific researcher at the Institut für Organische Chemie of the TU Berlin (Lectures, seminars, lab courses, PR of science).

Application for various grants (DAAD, DFG, EU commission, VW-Stiftung). Referee for several scientific journals Grant reviews for DFG, GAAV, GACR, Minerva, NIH, NSF External PhD examiner at the Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) and the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France).

1992-1993 Scientific researcher with Prof. Dr. H. Schwarz (private contract).
1989-1992 Scientific researcher at the Institut für Organische Chemie of the TU Berlin.
1986-1989 Undergraduate assistant at the Institut für Thermodynamik und Reaktionstechnik of the TU Berlin (Prof. Dr. H. Knapp).
Awards and Prices
2011 Miloš-Hudlický Award of the Czech Chemical Society
2009 Advanced Grant of the European Research Council
2008 Invited Professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France).
1999 Maitre de Conference at the Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, France).
1997 Mattauch-Herzog-Award of Finnigan-MAT GmbH, Bremen.
1993 Schering Award of the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Technischen Universität Berlin.
1988 Klaus-Koch Award of the Technischen Universität Berlin.
1981 Award in chemistry in the Landeswettbewerb "Jugend forscht".
1979 Award in chemistry in the Landeswettbewerb "Schüler experimentieren".
Research interest

Detlef Schröder is a well-recognized mass spectrometrist, who has broad experience in all areas of gas-phase ion chemistry. His interest range from fundamental questions on diatomic molecules to organic reaction mechanism and inorganic chemistry and to questions of astrochemical interest or biochemical problems. His scientific work is documented in more than 360 publications in peer-reviewed journals, more than 80 invited lectures, and a current h-Index of 49.

Detlef Schröder has long-standing reputation as an expert in the gas-phase ion chemistry of organic and inorganic compounds as well as their metal complexes. These investigations range from the determination of fundamental thermochemical quantity, such as ionization and bond energies, over the elucidation of reaction mechanisms in organic and inorganic chemistry to complex systems such as models for enzymes or catalysts. Among these studies are also key contributions about stereoselective reactions in the gas phase which exploit a new field of applications for mass spectrometric methods.