The Institute of Photonics and Electronics (IPE) is a medium-size non-profit research institution belonging to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Czech largest non-university research organization. The main activity of IPE is basic and applied research which is complemented by metrology, dissemination and training activities. The main fields of research are photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE advances scientific knowledge as well as pursues development of new cutting-edge technologies. In recognition of IPE's excellence in the area of time and frequency metrology, IPE has been entrusted with responsibility for the National Time and Frequency Standard. Education in the areas of IPE's research is an integral part of the Institute's mission. IPE is engaged in both graduate education and post-graduate training and through collaboration with universities it strives to contribute to quality of education in traditional as well as emerging and interdisciplinary areas.
Prof. Sajeev John - Photonic Band Gap Materials: Light Trapping Crystals - Talk invitation
Prof. Jiří Homola assumed the position of Director of the Institute of Photonics and Electronics AS CR, v.v.i. effective June 1, 2012.
Zlatou medaili z amerického Houstonu z prestižní celosvětové soutěže mladých techniků a vědců I-SWEEP přivezl Ondřej Borovec. Získal ji za práci "Kvantové struktury a supermřížka - budoucnost termoelektrik", výsledek stáže projektu Otevřená věda u Radka Zeipla v Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i. Ondřej Borovec na I-SWEEP postoupil jako vítěz krajského kola V. ročníku Festivalu vědy a techniky pro děti a mládež v Pardubickém kraji.

„Budoucnost je jednoznačně v robotice,“ říká talentovaný Ondřej Borovec

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Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences CR, v.v.i.
Chaberska 57, 18251 Prague 8, Czech Republic

Tel: +420 284 681 804, Fax: +420 284 680 222, Email: ipe@ufe.cz

IČ: 67985882, DIČ: CZ67985882