Praemium Academiae

Prestigious academic premium - Praemium Academiae - awarded on Tuesday 26 June 2012 at the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences in Prague, it's president prof. Jiri Drahos two excellent Czech scientists. This year's laureates have become doc. Ing. Jaroslav Dolezel, MD., from the Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, and Dr. Paul Spurný, Ph.D. of the Astronomical Institute of the AS CR, v.v.i., scientists who have established a scientific school on an international scale are leaders in their field and create prestige Academy of Sciences as a whole. "This is a strictly selective tool true excellence awards - just for Academic Excellence word premium is entirely appropriate," said during the ceremony prof. Jiri Drahos.

The purpose of the award, which is not awarded for lifetime achievement and can not be obtained repeatedly, is to support our research capacity and create conditions in which they could better develop their potential in favor of the Academy of Sciences and the whole of Czech science. Financial bonuses of up to CZK 5 million per year includes a period of six years, the costs associated with research, purchase equipment and wages for the wearer and his collaborators.

Associate Professor Jaroslav Dolezel deals with the structure and evolution of the genome of plants in this area are among the best in the world. "Financial premium strongly support successful research project of our laboratory, focused on the study of plants, including genetic changes that accompanied the emergence of new species and domestication. Premiums will increase our competitiveness internationally, including a significant boost to our participation in the global wheat genome project reading. This project is based on the strategy that we developed, and uses a unique biological materials that are the only ones in the world we can prepare. In addition to clarifying the general process of development of plants genetic knowledge gained will contribute to increase the efficiency of breeding new varieties using advanced methods of biotechnology and genomics, "contemplates the use of premium Academic Assoc. Jaroslav Dolezel.........