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SSC AV CR, v.v.i.  > Projects  > aktualni

E*care Project - Monitoring the Hurdles to the Mobility of Research Employees

Project Director:
Mgr. Viktória Bodnárová
tel: (+420) 221 146 387
fax: (+420) 221 146 380
e-mail: bodnarova@ssc.cas.cz
web: www.ecare-project.eu

The task of the project is to monitor and evaluate the hurdles to the mobility of research employees within the ERA (European Research Area). The project is supranational with the participation of eight EU countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Hungary). The coordinator of the project is the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece. Project duration: 2008-2011.
Financial mechanism:  EU, 7th Framework Programme


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