Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

Česká médiaPress Room

Most of CERGE-EI's media presence is currently in the Czech language; CERGE-EI also appears in the local English-language media and in the international media. Additionally, our students, researchers and faculty occasionally feature in the media of one of the two dozen countries of their origin. 

To solicit comments from our experts, inquire about CERGE-EI, or use our beautiful 19th century building for filming purposes, please contact the PR manager.

Featured News and Releases

CERGE-EI Insights

The first paper in our new CERGE-EI Insights series has been published under the title "When a Monetary Union Falls Apart: The experience of the former Yugoslavia in 1990-92" Read the summary and download the paper here.

  • 8 Jun 2012

    The CERGE-EI brand has received several high-profile media appearances in recent days, both in the local and the global media [for the Czech media, all links are to pieces in Czech]. On Thursday, May 31, the front page leading article of the highest-profile Czech business daily Hospodářské noviny discussed the 2012 IMD World Competitiveness Index. CERGE-EI researchers collaborated on the data collection for the Czech Republic, and Vilém Semerák commented on the IMD results in an interview.

    On Thursday, June 6, Hospodářské noviny featured another front page article and a “topic of the day” two-page spread about a new IDEA study analyzing the impact of cognitive skills and education on long-term economic growth and the deficits of pension systems. IDEA is the think tank arm of CERGE-EI focusing on Czech public policy. One of the co-authors of the analysis, CERGE-EI faculty member Daniel Münich, provided additional commentary on the findings in an interview with Hospodářské noviny. In addition to the prominent coverage in the business daily, the study’s conclusions were aired on Czech Television and were reproduced on several news servers.

    The policy study was not the end of Thursday’s publicity blitz. In the afternoon, Czech Radio aired an extensive interview about microfinance with CERGE-EI faculty member Michal Bauer.

    But the biggest trophy goes to CERGE-EI Director Štěpán Jurajda whose joint research with CERGE-EI founding father Orley Ashenfelter is featured in the June 9 issue of the Economist!

  • 22 May 2012

    The Spanish-based BBVA Foundation has awarded its fourth "Frontiers of Knowledge" Award in the category of Economics, Finance and Management to British economist Angus Deaton, who is a professor at Princeton University and who also previously served as a member of the CERGE-EI Executive and Supervisory Committee (ESC) from 1996-1999.

  • 16 May 2012

    Professor Philippe Aghion from Harvard University (and long-term member of the CERGE-EI Executive and Supervisory Committee) is serving as an advisor to newly-elected French President François Hollande. He has written an op-ed piece in yesterday's Financial Times explaining what we can expect from President Hollande. We are finalizing plans with Prof. Aghion to present a lecture at CERGE-EI in June. Further details will be announced in the coming weeks.