Astronomický ústav AV ČR   Ondřejov

Fričova 298
251 65 Ondřejov
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 323649201
Fax: +420 323620 110, 117

Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


Node Activities

Our expertise and planned activities

  1. Solar radio spectroscopy & MHD and radiative-transfer numerical simulations 
    • solar radio spectroscopy
    • non-LTE radiative transfer
    • physics of solar prominences and filaments
    • plasma astrophysics
  2. Dense regions in galaxies
    • galaxy evolution in clusters and groups
    • triggered star formation in local and distant Universe
    • protoplanetary disks
    • galactic center and AGN's
  3. Software development and parallel data processing 
    • user software testing and development
  4. Laboratory microwave molecular spectroscopy 
    • molecular spectral lines databates
    • laboratory of high resolution microwave spectroscopy of small molecules
    • spectroscopy of unstable transient molecular species
    • theoretical detailed analyses of molecular energies
    • transition moment measurements
  5. Massive stars and late evolutionary phases 
    • clumping in stellar winds
    • thermal and non-thermal radio emission from stellar winds of massive stars
    • molecule and dust formation in dense non-spherically symmetric winds and outflows


User support

  • scientific support in the field of solar and galactic radio/mm observations
  • preparation and submission of proposals to ALMA
  • data storage and processing
  • interpretation of observations
  • numerical modeling of the observed processes
  • interstellar molecular line identification
  • data analysis using CASA package
  • training of new users in the CASA usage
  • organizing of workshops to introduce ALMA to Central and Eastern European communities