Academic bulletin


Movies from world of sciences


Judgment, Responsibility, and the Life World

9.5.2012 - 11.5.2012

9.–11. května 2012, Akademické konferenční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1
Pořádá Archiv Jana Patočky při Centru pro teoretická studia a Filosofickém ústavu AV ČR
Anotace: The workshop is a part of a larger project ( ) that aims to investigate the role of responsibility and judgment in knowledge formation. Building on the work of the phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Jan Patočka, the project will investigate the limits of formalist approaches to knowledge, arguing that such formalism depends on a problematic separation of knowledge from the life-world in which it is necessarily placed. The project will provide new insight into the work of Husserl and Patočka, while also bringing their concepts to bear on a range of contemporary questions concerning knowledge and its wider cultural and socio-political context. Selected papers from the workshop will be published in an edited volume.




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