Academic bulletin 01/2008
Czech Academy of Science will start the calibrations of death centenary of Josef Hlavka (1831–1908). Czech architect, builder and patron of Czech science, art and education, was one of the most successful businessman in 19th century. Josef, Maria and Zdenka Hlavka Foundation with Czech Academy of Science have beeen prepared various kinds of memorial events such as conference on architecture, exhibitions, workshops and other. Academic Bulletin arranged new rubric GALLERY that will present collection of art production related with Josef Hlavka in all this year issues.
The Academy Assembly, the highest body of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic responsible for the topmost priority decisions related to the AS CR, held its XXXI Meeting in the Municipal House in Vinohrady on the 18 December 2007.
We continue in introduction the comments of three additional directors of Academy institutes, who were asked three questions.
ASCR recalls the ninetieth anniversary of the signing of Three Kings Declaration which paved way for Czechoslovak independence. For the first time this declaration formulated the proposal for an independent Czech state, united with Slovakia, but with no mention of Habsburg Dynasty.
CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research
On November 27, ON Semiconductor Czech republic, has been awarded a contract by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) for its proposal to supply pixel detectors for experiments with ATLAS which is one of two general-purpose detectors at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The pixel detectors were manufactured in the Czech Republic.
Social aspects of Globalization
The Center of Global Studies (joint project of the Institute of Philosophy of the AS CR and the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague) organized a two-day seminar entitled Social Aspects of Globalization. This seminar featured an overview of various activities in the field of globalization. Foreign guest Prof. Jerry Harris of Chicago read his essay Global Capitalism. An interview with Professor Harris is included in this issue.
Academy Institutes and Education Reform
The Center for Medieval Studies, Institute of Ethnology AS CR and the Masaryk Institute AS CR prepared a project entitled Education and the Relation of the Cultural-Historical Heritage of Local Schools. This project was developed within the frame of the reform of the education system.
Czech Head
Czech Head is aimed at supporting and promoting Czech science and technology. The project annually awards the best scientists and engineers. Prof. Antonín Holý (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry) has been awarded by National Prize of the Czech Government.
Czech agrobiotechnology in Brussels
CZELO (Czech Liaison Office for Development and Research), the Technology Center AS CR and the Czech Biotechnology Association Biotrin organized a one-day seminar entitled Czech Republic – Your Partner in Agrobiotechnology Research in Brussels on November 22. This seminar brought an overview of selected biotechnology activities and provided an insight into the agricultural and food biotechnology sector in the Czech Republic.