Production of polyclonal antibodies to the recombinant Potato virus M (PVM) nonstructural triple gene block protein 1 and coat protein

Cerovska N., Moravec T., Plchova H., Hoffmeisterova H., Dedic P.
JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY 160 : 251-254 , 2012
Keywords: Potato virus M, recombinant protein, coat protein, triple gene block, polyclonal antibodies

Expression of Recombinant Potato leafroll virus Structural and Non-structural Proteins for Antibody Production

Plchova H., Moravec T., Dedic P., Cerovska N.
JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY 159 : 130-132 , 2011
Keywords: Potato leafroll virus, recombinant viral antigen, antibody production

Production of Polyclonal Antiobies to a Recombinant Potato Mop-top Virus Non-structural Triple Gene Block Protein l

Čeřovská, Noemi; Filigarová, Marie; Pečenková, Tamara
JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 154 : 422-427 , 2006
Keywords: Potato mop-top virus; recombinant protein; triple gene block; polyclonal antibodies

Production of Polyclonal Antibodies to a Recombinant Coat Protein of Potato mop-top virus

Čeřovská, Noemi; Moravec, Tomáš; Rosecká, Pavla; Dědič, P.; Filigarová, Marie
JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 151 [4] : 195-200 , 2003
Keywords: potato mop-top virus; recombinant coat protein; Escherichia Coli

Production of polyclonal antibodies to Potato virus X (PVX) using recombinant coat protein

Cerovska N., Moravec T., Plchova H., Hoffmeisterova H., Folwarczna J., Dedic P.
Keywords: Potato virus X, recombinant viral antigen, antibodies
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