Projekt: Downscaling the Global Climate Models with use of the Stochastic Weather Generator
The project will focus on using the parametric and non-parametric stochastic weather generators (WGs) for downscaling the Global Climate Model (GCM). Aims: (1) Improvement and validation of the WGs.(2) Comparison of their performance with other downscaling methods involved in COST ES1102. (3) Linking the WGs with the GCM-based climate change scenarios. (4) Construction of the probabilistic climate change scenarios from GCM simulations in terms of WG parameters and various climatic characteristics. (5) Implementation of the daily cycle (in terms of the hourly values) into the weather generator.
Founded by: MŠMT LD12029
Duration: 2012-2015
Investigator: Dubrovský, M.
Created by Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, v.v.i
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