Head of the observatory is J. Boška. Průhonice Digisonde DPS-4 (geographic coordinates 49°59"N, 14°33") replaced classical ionosonde in January 2004. Two types of measurements are realized at the observatory by the Digisonde DPS-4:

Ionospheric vertical sounding - routine repetition (15 min) soundings + a few campaigns of more frequent measurements

Ionospheric plasma drift measurements (15 min repetition) for

  • F region (autodrift mode)
  • E region (heights interval 90-150 km and fixed frequency window 2.0-2.6 MHz).

    We run the Regional Warning Centre Prague of the International Space Environmental Service (ISES, Czech Representative D. Burešová) - ionospheric observations are on a daily basis supplied into international data exchange network. Monthly ionospheric predictions have been regularly prepared and disseminated.

    Průhonice Ionospheric Station