The list of projects:
- MŠMT LD12029, Downscaling the Global Climate Models with use of the Stochastic Weather Generator, 2012-2015. Investigator: Dubrovský, M. Abstrakt
- MŠMT LD12053, Assessment of effects of solar variability on atmospheric circulation in reality and models, 2012-2015. Investigator: Huth, R. Abstrakt
- GA ČR P209/12/P811, Dynamic properties of atmospheric circulation types and their relations with air temperature trends, 2012-2014. Investigator: Cahynová, M. Abstrakt
- MŠMT 7AMB12AR005, Heat waves in a changing climate: statistical and dynamical perspective, 2012-2013. Investigator: Kyselý, J. Abstrakt
- MŠMT 7AMB12AR019, Effects of solar variability on the atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere and the South American climate on interannual to millenial timescales, 2012-2013. Investigator: Huth, R. Abstrakt
- GA ČR. Kód GAP209/11/1985, Temporal and spatial patterns of links between weather and morbidity due to cardiovascular diseases, 2011-2015. Investigator: Kyselý, J. Abstrakt
- GA ČR. Kód GAP209/11/2405, Development of the regional climate model for a very high resolution, 2011-2014. Investigator: Huth, R. Abstrakt
- GA ČR. Kód GAP209/10/2265, Reproduction of links between atmospheric circulation and surface air temperature and precipitation distributions in climate models, 2010-2014. Investigator: Kyselý, J. Abstrakt
- GA ČR. Kód GAP209/10/2045, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous Poisson process models for extremes in climate change studies, 2010-2013. Investigator: Kyselý, J. Abstrakt
- AV ČR. Kód IAA300420805, Extraterrestrial effects on atmospheric circulation in mid and high latitudes, 2008-2011. Investigator: Huth, R. Abstrakt
- IAA300420806, Probabilistic climate scenarios for the Czech Republic, 2008-2011. Investigator: Dubrovský, M. Abstrakt