Projekt: Constraining continuous simulations of flood frequency using mapping saturated areas to constrain prediction uncertainties

The principal aim of the project is to contribute to the development and testing of the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation methodology in the area of environmental modelling, in particular flood frequency estimation. This project is novel in that it will constrain flood frequency curves not only on standard and relatively easily obtainable observed data but also on the inner variables of the hydrological model, namely on the wetness of the catchment. The goal is to get such models and parameter sets which produce the right results for the right reason, i.e. not only the flow in the outlet is modelled correctly but also the extent of wet areas, where the water is running over the land surface during the flood, is modelled with a reasonable uncertainty. One of the major preconditions for doing that is to get the precipitation inputs and the weather simulator right.

Founded by: GA ČR. Kód GAP209/11/2045

Duration: 2011-2015

Investigator: Řezáčová, D.