Projekt: Modeling of variability of the thermal plasma parameters in the Earth

Thermal plasma in the Earth"s upper ionosphere and inner magnetosphere, which in these regions represents the dominant component, shows in its parameters considerable variability. The subject of the proposed project is a detailed study of sources of this variability and also of influence of parameters of the second order and their inclusion into the existing models, especially in the models of electron and ion densities and of their temperatures. An extent database created in the collaboration of the Inst.Atm.Phys. of the Czech Acad.Sci and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center using all available measurements inclusive the newly accessible data of incoherent scatter radars (ISR Jicamarca, Arecibo, Millstone Hill). In the frame of the project we will update the database using data from new experiments (e.g. we suppose launch of the PROBA II satellite with our device measuring electron temperature and density aboard). The aim of the project is formulation of empirical models including variability and we suppose their application mainly for the IRI model.

Founded by: GA ČR. Kód GAP209/10/2086

Duration: 2010-2012

Investigator: Truhlík, V.

Tým: Podolská K.,