RC28 Spring Meeting in Brno, Czech Republic, May 24-27, 2007


The Spring Meeting will be jointly hosted by the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University, located in Brno.


Main Theme: Social Inequality and Mobility in the Process of Social Transformation


The 2007 Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) will be held in Brno, Czech Republic, from May 24-27. We cordially invite paper submissions for the Spring Meeting. We would like to encourage submission of papers on all topics relevant to social stratification and mobility research, such as class inequality and mobility, education, labor market, income inequality, social exclusion, social networks, family processes, gender, ethnicity, etc. Papers relevant to the main theme of the conference: Social Inequality and Mobility in the Process of Social Transformation will be particularly welcome.




Call for papers: The editor and editorial board of the Czech Sociological Review would welcome contributions discussing various issues related to transforming societies, particularly with relation to Central and Eastern Europe. This includes theoretical discussions, data-based explanations of processes and methodological problems of comparison between advanced and transitory countries.


The organized bus from Prague to Brno (12pm, on May 24) is now full. We will provide more details by email to those who have signed up for seats on the bus. 


The call for papers has ended and the registration period has ended. We would like to thank all of the participants for their timely registration.


Security-enabled wireless Internet will be available from Friday morning for the duration of the spring meeting. You should ask for your password and further information on Friday morning or anytime during the spring meeting. RC28 participants will also be able to make use of a computer room (with Internet access) of the Faculty of Social Sciences.



Questions and contact

If you have any questions about the spring meeting (accomodation, travel, the programme, etc) please feel free to contact the program organzers at rc28@soc.cas.cz.




The Spring Meeting is being organized by Professor Petr Mateju, head of the Department of the Sociology of Education and Stratification at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Advisory Committee of the RC28 Spring Meeting in Brno consists of these members:


Petr Mateju (organizer of the meeting), Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Hana Ayalon, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Paul M. de Graaf, Tilburg University, Netherlands 

Harry Ganzeboom, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rober M. Hauser, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Tomas Katrnak, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Irena Kogan, University of Mannheim, Germany

Janne Jonsson, Stockholm University, Sweden

John Logan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Karl Ulrich Mayer, Yale University, USA

Stein Ringen, University of Oxford, UK

Peter Robert, Tarki Social Research Centre, Hungary

Yossi Shavit, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Wout Ultee, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands

Louis-Andre Vallet, French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

Herman  van de Werfhorst, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Yu Xie, University of Michigan, USA



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