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19 Mar 09 - 18 Apr 19
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Name Rulíšek Lubomír
Position Head of the Team
Dr. Luboš Rulíšek

Lubomír Rulíšek, Ph.D.

Head of the Junior Research Team

Theoretical Bioinorganic Chemistry
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 263
Mobil: (+420) 731 447 872

1996-2001 Ph.D. (CSc.) in theoretical chemistry, under supervision of Dr. Z. Havlas at Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
1990-1995 M.Sc. in physical chemistry at Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physical Chemistry, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
2002-2004 Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
1999 (1 month) Short term stay at the Department of Quantum Chemistry, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
since 2007 Head of the Theoretical Bioinorganic Chemistry junior reseach team, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
2004-2006 Head of the Theoretical Chemistry group at the Department of Molecular Modeling, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
2001-2002 Junir scientist at the Department of Molecular Modeling, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
Awards and Fellowhisps
2006 Otto Wichterle Premium for Younger Scientists, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.
2001 Hlavka Foundation Prize, annual award for outstanding Ph.D. students in Czech Republic.
Research interest
Applied quantum chemistry, quantum bioinorganic chemistry, interactions in biomolecular systems, structural aspects of enzyme catalysis, QM/MM methods, MD/MM simulations, good knowledge of quantum chemistry (TURBOMOLE, Gaussian, MOLPRO, MOLCAS) and MD (Amber) programs and methodologies in applied theoretical and quantum chemistry, good programming skills (Fortran).
Music: playing guitar and flute.
Sport: basketball, long-distance running (2:48:04 at Prague International Marathon in 1998), cross-country skiing (3h 23min at Worldloppet event Jizerská 50 in 2006, 6h 18min in Vasaloppet 2007), triathlon.